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Buildings of Local Merit

Alongside listed buildings and conservation areas, Waverley has over 600 Buildings of Local Merit which have been identified for their local historic merit.


Please use the Waverley planning maps to see if your building is a Building of Local Merit.

Search the Waverley Planning Maps

Buildings of Local Merit (BLMs) are non-designated heritage assets that are considered to be of local historic merit, which do not meet Historic England's current national standards for statutory listing.

Non-designated heritage assets are buildings, monuments, sites, places, areas or landscapes that have not been formally identified (through legislation), but that have a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because of their heritage. They do not have to be identified as a BLM to be a planning consideration but the list provides a sound, consistent and accountable means of identifying them.

There are no additional planning controls for BLMs but, the identification does mean it is a material consideration in planning applications. Therefore, if you would like to make alterations to a BLM which requires planning permission, we would recommend you discuss your proposals with our heritage team. This can be done through our heritage pre-application advice service.

BLMs are identified locally and are adopted by Waverley.

We welcome suggestions to consider a whole area (eg parish or ward), not singular buildings, to be considered as a BLM. 

A working party (eg a town or parish council) is responsible for going through the process to identify BLMs.  We provide support throughout the process.

Suggest potential BLMs

If you are interested in putting forward an area for BLM identification, please contact the heritage team for more information:


Tel: 01483 523429.