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Pre-application planning advice

Our pre-application planning advice covers all application types, including householder, small scale commercial developments and larger scale schemes and will:

  • provide you with the planning constraints that relate to the site
  • give you an idea if your application is likely to succeed based on the current national and local policies
  • identify potential problems and possible solutions before you make an application
  • provide input from specialists where appropriate, for example conservation advice
  • advise you on documents and information that you will need to submit with your planning application
  • advise of any relevant financial contributions

The details of the response will be proportionate to the details that we are provided at outset (see requirements below).

Always check for changes to national and local planning policy and do not rely on pre-application advice given more than 12 months ago.


In order for us to provide this service, we require:

  • completed online form (we do not accept enquiries by post or email and amendments are not accepted once your enquiry has been submitted)
  • correct fee 
  • location plan to identify the site (a plan can be bought from the Government Planning Portal), please ensure that the boundary of the application site is clearly marked in red
  • relevant plans, to get the best advice it is recommended to submit scaled plans or plans with measurements written on them
  • supporting documents - photographs of site etc.


When we have received the completed online form and the correct fee, we will:

  • record the enquiry and send an email acknowledgement
  • allocate the case to a planning officer
  • respond to your enquiry in writing - see relevant timescales within each service level (Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum)

Click on the relevant drop down menu below for our permitted development service level options.


Any advice given by Waverley Officers for pre-application enquiries does not indicate any formal decision by Waverley as the Local Planning Authority. Any views or opinions are given in good faith, and are based on relevant issues in place at the time of consideration, without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application. The final decision on any forthcoming planning application can only be taken after Waverley has consulted local people, statutory consultees and any other interested parties. The final decision on an application will then be made either by the relevant Planning Committee or the Head of Planning Services under delegated powers and will be based on all the information available at the time.


This service covers all residential developments.

Householder applications are for extensions and alterations to an existing dwelling or works within the residential curtilage of a dwelling. If you are creating one or more new dwellings, even if it is within the curtilage of an existing dwelling, then the next fee level is payable.

All bespoke prices incur a £500 non-refundable deposit which must be paid prior to any meetings being booked or written advice being given.

Bronze service 

Use this to:

  • get advice
  • check for planning constraints

As part of this package you will be offered a virtual 30-minute appointment (as appropriate), based on 1 application with a maximum number of 5 drawings followed with a brief bullet point response within 21 days of appointment.

Service not available for development currently under enforcement investigation.

Service not available for new advertisement consents.


  • Householder £125
  • Joint planning and listed building minor alterations advice £243.10 
  • Joint planning and listed building householder extensions advice £420.80
  • Joint planning, listed building large projects and prospective owners advice £718.60
  • 1 dwelling £475
  • 2-9 dwellings £950

Silver service

Use this if you want to make a small development. The case officer will visit the site and make written comments within 6 weeks.


  • 1 dwelling and other development £265
  • Householder £285*
  • 1 dwelling £785
  • 2-9 dwellings £1400

*This level of service also covers advice given post refusal or resubmission of a Bronze level pre-application, with the same deliverables as the bronze service with additional time given to the case officer in order for them to familiarise themselves with the rejected application or resubmitted pre-application.

Gold service

Use this if you want more time to discuss your application, or for larger developments. A case officer will visit the site and arrange a meeting with you. As part of this service we will consult a conservation or tree officer if required. You will receive written feedback within 8 weeks. You can book extra meetings if the case officer deems it necessary, an additional charge will be incurred.


  • 1 dwelling £1150
  • 2-9 dwellings £1740
  • 10-49 dwellings - bespoke price on application
  • 50+ dwellings - bespoke price on application

Platinum service

This service is for large projects and the fee you'll pay depends on your individual case. A non-refundable £500 deposit will need to be paid before a meeting can be arranged to discuss your requirements in detail. From this meeting we will arrange a timeframe and fee for our services. External and internal consultations may be required.

Apply and pay online

Please note: Payment for pre-application advice request is due on submission.  Applications submitted without the appropriate payment will be closed and automatically removed from the system in 5 days.

* Are you eligible for amended pre-application discount?


This service covers all commercial developments.

All bespoke prices incur a £500 non-refundable deposit which must be paid prior to any meetings being booked or written advice being given.

Concessions apply to local businesses relocating within Waverley or wishing to extend or alter their existing commercial premises. 

Bronze service


  • up to 250 sq. metres £463
  • over 250 sq. metres - bespoke price on application

Silver service


  • up to 250 sq. metres £924.90
  • over 250 sq. metres - bespoke price on application

Gold service


  • over 250 sq. metres - bespoke price on application

Platinum service


  • over 250 sq. metres - bespoke price on application

Apply and pay online

Please note: Payment for pre-application advice request is due on submission.  Applications submitted without the appropriate payment will be closed and automatically removed from the system in 5 days.

* Are you eligible for amended pre-application discount?


There are additional planning restrictions for heritage assets, therefore, before submitting a planning application for listed building consent or carrying out any works on a heritage asset the heritage team are able to provide advice. Please note our service does not cover planning advice, please see the relevant fees in 'Service Levels - Residential and Commercial'.

What we need from you:

  • completed application form
  • basic information about the property
  • what you are hoping to achieve
  • detailed information about your proposal including photographs of existing site and/or building
  • plans (these do not have to be architectural plans)
  • material/product specifications 

Minor repairs and maintenance

You will receive a short bullet point response. This does not include a site visit, unless considered necessary by the officer. 

Fee: £59.60

Minor alterations

You will receive a short bullet point response. This does not include a site visit, unless considered necessary by the officer. 

Fee: £118.10

Medium projects

You will receive written advice, this service also covers:

  • householder extensions (existing owners)
  • erection of outbuildings (within the curtilage of a listed building)

Fee: £295.80

Large projects

You will receive written advice, this service also covers:

  • Prospective owners
  • large scale alterations and extensions
  • demolition of a whole or large portion of a listed building
  • erection of a dwelling within the curtilage of a listed building

Fee: £593.60


Buildings at Risk - these must be either on Historic England's Heritage at Risk Register or Waverley's. Please email or call 01483 523429 if you are unsure.

Apply and pay online

If you are about to submit a major proposal that could have an impact on a number of interested parties, you can ask us to deal with your pre-application advice as a consultative forum. This is a discretionary service.

Who attends the forums

Attendees at the forums include:

  • councillors
  • planning officers
  • other public bodies such as Natural England, the Environment Agency, and the Highways Agency
  • neighbours.


Starting from £5,000

Find out more

Contact us to request attendance at a development control forum. You will need to provide a brief outline of your proposal and we will confirm your place if the application is suitable.



Any advice given by Waverley officers for pre-application enquiries does not indicate any formal decision by Waverley as the Local Planning Authority. Any views or opinions are given in good faith, and are based on relevant issues in place at the time of consideration, without prejudice to the formal consideration of any planning application. The final decision on any forthcoming planning application can only be taken after Waverley has consulted local people, statutory consultees and any other interested parties. The final decision on an application will then be made either by the relevant Planning Committee or the Head of Planning Services under delegated powers and will be based on all the information available at the time.