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How to comment on a planning application

We welcome your involvement in the planning process and will consider your objections, support or comments.

This guide aims to help you make relevant comments on planning applications that have been submitted. You can also speak to your town or parish council.

Town or Parish Council comments

Please email your comments to 

Comments should ideally be submitted on separate documents per application. However, we will also accept one document with separate pages per application, which we will split to display on the relevant application.

Comments submitted in a continuous document which cannot be simply split per page will be displayed in full.

Neighbour comments

Thank you for getting involved in the planning process. We check comments on planning applications before making them available to view on our website and will not publish or take into account comments of an inappropriate, derogatory or defamatory nature.

When submitting your comments, please add your full name and full address. Your comments will not be accepted or considered if these details are incomplete, however, if you wish your name and address to be redacted so it is not publicly visible you can comment following these instructions.

It is a requirement for any comments that you wish to be considered to be published on the website, requests to consider confidential/unpublished comments will not be accepted.

We aim to display your comments within two working days. 

Please include any points you wish us to take into consideration in your current letter rather than referring us to look up other documents.

What to include in your objection or support

We have a statutory duty to take into account the Local plan and any other material considerations.

These might include issues such as:

  • loss of light
  • overlooking / loss of privacy
  • parking / loading / turning issues
  • increase in traffic 
  • noise and disturbance
  • loss of trees
  • road access
  • proposals in the local plan
  • previous appeal decisions
  • local, strategic, regional and national planning policies.

What cannot be considered 

  • matters controlled under building regulations or other non-planning laws 
  • private issues between neighbours 
  • loss of value of property
  • problems with the construction period of any works
  • unproven health implications.

You should not be concerned if yours is the only comment received. It is the points, particularly regarding material considerations, that are raised, rather than the number of comments, which are important in the Case Officer's assessment of the application and the final decision.

Deadlines for commenting on a planning application

Please check the deadline for comments on the planning application record in the Planning applications online enquiry system.

Planning committee meetings

For planning applications due to be heard by a planning committee, you need to send us your late comments by 5pm, three working days before the committee meeting.   

Later comments will not be reported unless new material considerations not previously considered are raised and could feature in a supplementary report.

Find out more about Council and committee meetings

Submit your comments 

Use the Planning applications online enquiry system to comment on a planning application. Please note that there is a limit of 5,000 characters in the comments box, less if you paste from a Word document. You will get an error message if you exceed this limit.

You need to include your name and full address for your comment to be considered.

Planning applications online enquiry system

Other ways to submit comments

Please email if:

  • Your comments exceed 5,000 characters or you need to attach a document to your comment. For your comments to be considered, please provide your full name and address.
  • You wish to remain anonymous. Please provide us with your full name and address and clearly state that you do not want your name and/or address to be displayed online.

Please remember to always include the relevant application reference number.

By sending your comment via email, you consent to the council retaining your email address for the purpose of alerting you to any re-consultations on any possible amendments, public speaking, or appeal information, regarding this application only.