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Brightwells Yard

Brightwells Yard is a regeneration scheme in the town centre of Farnham.

The finished development will make the area a hub for leisure and evening entertainment, with a new six-screen Reel cinema and a variety of restaurants and retail units.  It will also bring 239 new homes to the town – with a third being marketed as shared ownership with SO Resi & Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing.

Find out more on the Crest Nicholson Brightwells website:

Brightwells Yard Farnham

Dogflud Car Park and the car park in front of the Marlborough Head have closed.

Signage directs you to the Riverside 3 Car Park, however there are a number of other car parks in Farnham.

Please remember Farnham Leisure Centre car park is for Leisure Centre users only.

To compensate for the loss of disabled parking, two additional disabled parking spaces will be added to the Leisure Centre Car Park and five to South Street Car Park. The charging structure in Riverside 2 and 3 has been temporarily amended to balance the demand for both short and long stay parking for shoppers, workers and visitors.

You can view all the current planning applications relating to Brightwells:

  • WA/2018/0544 - dual bridge application
  • SO/2018/0003 - request for screening opinion for bridge application
  • WA/2018/0308 - bat pole application
  • NMA/2018/0039 - non material amendment to amend condition 35 relating to bat mitigation measures
  • NMA/2018/0049 - non material amendment to amend condition to relating to phasing plans
  • WA/2018/1678 - Application under section 73A to vary condition 5 and remove condition 11 of WA/2018/0544
  • WA/2012/0912 – main development scheme permission
  • WA/2016/0268 – variation to main development scheme permission

As per the Section 106 Agreement, a public art panel has met to discuss the fulfilment of the public art for the scheme. The panel had input from the Farnham Public Art Trust, the University of Creative Arts, the Farnham Society and Farnham Maltings.

Artist Patrick Walls will create life-size artisan figures carved in sandstone representing different craftspeople at work in a celebration of the historic craftsmanship in Farnham. Installation will begin in 2023.

A picture of a workshop with sandstone sculptured human size figures done by Patrick Walls

Artist Kerry Lemon’s series of unique hand-drawn illustrations linking the past, present and future of craft in Farnham will be transposed onto the surface of 13 paving stones to form a public art trail which people can take rubbings from. The trail will start from the pedestrian link in East Street, towards the river, and will weave past the craft figures.

Both installations will reflect Farnham’s rich craft history and celebrate its eminent position as a world class destination for craft.