Consultation on the Schedule of Main Modifications to the Waverley Borough Local Plan Part 2
Public consultation on the Schedule of Main Modifications to the Local Plan Part 2 and related documents took place from Friday 9 December 2022 to 5.00pm on Friday 27 January 2023. The background to this consultation can be found below.
Consultation background
The examination of the Local Plan Part 2 by an independent Planning Inspector, Mr GJ Fort BA PGDip MCD MRTPI, is ongoing. As part of the process, the council has requested that the Inspector recommends any Main Modifications that he considers necessary to make the plan sound and legally compliant (to allow it to be adopted). Following hearing sessions held in July and September 2022, the council has worked with the Inspector to prepare the Schedule of Main Modifications, addressing matters identified during the examination and updating other elements of the plan as necessary. The Main Modifications are put forward without prejudice to the Inspector’s final conclusions.
The Schedule of Main Modifications and other consultation documents were consulted upon for a period of seven weeks to give interested parties the opportunity to comment. Representations were only sought on the proposed Main Modifications and related changes to the Adopted Policies Map, and any comments were asked to focus on their soundness and legal compliance aspects. Comments could have also been made on the Addenda to the Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment of Local Plan Part 2 relating to the Main Modifications.
Further information about the Main Modifications process in particular, and the examination in general, is set out in the Planning Inspectorate’s Procedure Guide, the Inspector’s Guidance Note (document reference ID-03), and the Inspector’s Hearings Closing Note (document ID-10), which are all available on the Examination Website.
Consultation documents
The following documents were available as part of the consultation:
Representations made on these documents will be taken into account by the Inspector in completing his examination of the Local Plan Part 2.
The following documents were available for information:
Consultation Responses
Valid representations made during the Consultation on the Schedule of Main Modifications to the Waverley Borough Local Plan Part 2 can be viewed on our online consultation portal:
View consultation responses
Publication of Inspector’s Report following the Examination of Local Plan Part 2: Strategic Policies and Sites (LPP2)
The council received the report from the independent Planning Inspector on 13 March 2023 (LPP2 Inspectors report) including a schedule of recommended Main Modifications (MMs schedule).
The Inspector has concluded that, subject to these MMs, LPP2 is legally compliant and sound and provides an appropriate basis for the planning of the borough. These MMs, together with Additional Modifications (minor corrections/ updates) are shown as tracked changes on this copy of the submitted plan.
The next step in the process is for the council to formally adopt LPP2, incorporating the MMs and AMs, as part of the statutory development plan for the borough: Report to the meeting of the Full Council on 21 March 2023