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Bidding for CIL money

Strategic CIL comprises between 70-80% of the total CIL collected by Waverley. This portion of the CIL is to be allocated to strategic infrastructure projects by Waverley.

In order to allocate these funds, we have set up a bidding process to allow groups and organisations in Waverley looking to deliver infrastructure in the borough, to bid for CIL funding.

Groups interested in preparing a proposal(s) are strongly encouraged to contact the CIL Team at in advance of submitting a bid.

The CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended) state that we must spend Strategic CIL funds on 'the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure necessary to support growth'.

Strategic CIL is intended to focus on the provision of new infrastructure and should not be used to remedy pre-existing deficiencies in infrastructure provision unless those deficiencies will be made more severe by new development.

The Planning Act 2008 prescribes that infrastructure includes:

  • roads and other transport facilities
  • flood defences
  • schools and educational facilities
  • medical facilities
  • sporting, recreational facilities and open spaces.

Waverley will spend strategic CIL in accordance with this definition.

The amount of strategic CIL funds available to bid for each year is viewable on our developer contributions database. The amount of CIL available for bidding is shown under ‘Available Strategic CIL’.

Developer contributions database - CIL

The application pack contains a copy of the scoring criteria, against which all bids for Strategic CIL funding will be assessed; the criteria helps to determine how well the proposed infrastructure projects will deliver benefits to residents and businesses within Waverley.

The application pack also includes guidance for potential bidders. We strongly advise that all applicants read the guidance contained within the application pack prior to preparing a bid.

If you wish to be informed of future Strategic CIL bidding cycles or to discuss whether your project would be eligible for a CIL bid, please contact the CIL team:

All your personal information will be held and used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). For details of how we gather, define and use your information, please see our privacy notice.

Projects allocated strategic CIL funding in past bidding cycles are available to view on our developer contributions database, under the 'Strategic Allocated' or 'Strategic Spent' sections. It will be updated in due course to reflect the successful allocations from the 2022/23 Strategic CIL Bidding Cycle.

Developer contribution database - CIL

You will need to contact the relevant town or parish council directly to understand how they are choosing to allocate and spend their Neighbourhood CIL.

We would welcome discussions with town and parish councils on potential opportunities to combine neighbourhood CIL funds with strategic CIL funds in order to finance infrastructure projects.

The following timetable will apply for the 2024/25 strategic CIL bidding cycle:

Dates Process
12 July - 25 October 2024 CIL bidding round open
November - December 2024 Officers validate and score the valid bids received using the strategic CIL bid scoring criteria
January 2025 Valid bids reviewed by the CIL Executive Working Group and recommendations made
February - March 2025 Decisions made by the Executive or Council

Waverley Borough Council is responsible for making the final decision on the allocation of all strategic CIL funds. The CIL Executive Working Group will make recommendations for spending to be made. There is no right of appeal against decisions on the allocation of Strategic CIL funding. The Strategic CIL Bidding process is highly competitive and not all applications will  be successful in receiving CIL funding.

It is not necessary for the CIL Executive Working Group to recommend that all CIL funds available are allocated. If schemes are not deemed high priority, the strategic CIL funds will not be allocated and will be reserved for the next strategic CIL bidding cycle.

Groups interested in preparing a proposal(s) are strongly encouraged to contact the CIL Team at