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Tree advice and information

Tree works applications

Tree Works Application Form

Tree Works Application - Guidance Notes

Hedgerow Removal Notice

Hedgerow Removal Notice Application Form

Hedgerow Removal Notice - Guidance Notes

Waverley Tree Guidelines

Waverley Tree Guidelines (pdf.)   - To view or download a pdf. copy

Waverley Tree Guidelines  - To view online

If you need tree advice on privately owned trees, then we recommend contacting an accredited tree expert such as a tree surgeon or arboricultural consultant. Typically:

  • Tree surgeons - provide advice and guidance on tree maintenance, tree felling, planting and aftercare.
  • Arboricultural consultants - do not undertake the works to trees, but will provide independent advice on tree condition, safety and work specifications. Most consultants can also produce tree reports, impact assessments, method statements and tree plans for development.

The Arboricultural Association website provides guidance and directories to Find a tree expert

Waverley Tree Officers can answer brief enquiries (such as basic checks on tree controls) and we are often able do this over the phone, free of charge.

We are currently unable to offer our paid for advice service, but we hope to be offering it again in the near future. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

This includes the following advice services:

  • Trees in Conservation Areas
  • Tree health and maintenance relating to trees subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)
  • Trees subject to historic (20th Century) Planning Conditions
  • Potential TPO tree work applications and conservation area tree work notifications
  • Potential development proposals (not forming part of other wider pre-application advice)

Services we don't offer

  • Reports or annual tree safety inspections
  • Tree surveys, Arboricultural Impact Assessments or Method Statements
  • Advice on privately owned trees that are not subject of statutory tree protection or subject of current development proposals.

Try the Arboricultural Association website to Find a tree expert.

If you have an issue with a neighbour’s trees, you should talk to them about the problem and try to reach a mutually agreeable solution. We would suggest you can try to settle your dispute by following the steps as laid out in guidance Over the garden hedge.

If you have an issue over a high hedge, please see our Hedges pages for further information.

Except for High hedges, Waverley Tree Officers are unable to intervene on resident’s behalf or issue remedial notices over the impact of trees on to the reasonable enjoyment of a property.

If you see a problem with a tree and it's on a Waverley Borough Council countryside site or park, or council-owned land, then please see the Report a tree problem page and report the problem online.

We have a Tree and Woodland Policy, which the council has adopted, which will tell you more about how we manage trees under our ownership.

Management of street trees and public footpaths is undertaken in almost entirely by Surrey County Council Highways.

For further details or to report a tree problem:

Surrey highways - Trees and Grasses 

Or you can contact their call centre on: 0300 200 1003

Ancient woodland is a nationally important and threatened habitat. A revision of the Ancient Woodland inventory for Surrey was carried out between 2009 and 2011, which updates the original 1988 study. 

Download thee Surrey Ancient Woodland Study (PDF)

See further information on on protecting ancient woodland, ancient trees and veteran trees: 

Ancient Woodland (England)

Ancient Trees and Woodland - Development

Surrey County Council 

Surrey Highways - Report a Tree Problem

Forestry Commission

The Forestry Commission controls the quantity of timber that can be felled at any time, by issuing felling licences.  But trees in private residential properties and gardens are exempt. 

Felling Licences

Government advice and information

Tree Preservation Orders & Conservations Areas: Planning Practice Guidance  

Planning Portal Website

Hedgerows Regulations 1997  

Countryside Hedgerows - Information and guidance

Over the garden hedge