Site D
The six houses and ten flats on Site D were the first to have been completed and are fully occupied. The new homes are built and equipped to the highest standards and include the first four-bedroom houses to be built on Ockford Ridge. They are also energy efficient, so tenants will save on their heating, hot water and electricity bills.

Site A
Building work on the 37 new, affordable homes has been completed and the site is fully occupied.

Site B
This site has just been completed with the provision of 17 new homes, including three shared ownership properties.

Site C
Works are well-advanced on this latest part of the council’s regeneration programme to deliver 30 new homes including 12, one-bedroom flats, and two shared ownership properties.
We expect the new homes to be ready for occupation in spring 2025.

Site F
This is the site opposite site C.
Proposals for Site F were shared with tenants and residents of Ockford Ridge in July, at a Drop in Community Consultation Event at St Marks Community Church and Centre and online via the engagement platform Commonplace: Housing Development Hub - Site F Ockford Ridge. Feedback received was generally positive.
Our final designs for the site which includes 20 new homes, eight houses and 12 one- and two-bedroom flats will now be submitted for planning permission. Subject to planning we expect demolition and build to commence in 2025.

Site E
This site is located opposite what is locally known as ‘The Show Homes’ site, (85 and 86 Ockford Ridge and facing the lower part of Site C). It currently comprises three pairs of two-bedroomed semi-detached houses and the long rear gardens of them that slope steeply down to the rear gardens below, on Cliffe Road.
As with site F above, this site has been added to the original four-site investment for Ockford Ridge (A, B, C and D) and once completed will see the council’s phased redevelopment programme in the estate be concluded.
Site E has site constraints, not least its relatively shallow site depth and the steeply sloping rear portion. To this end, bringing it forward for redevelopment will entail more engineering and design input. A business case has yet to be made and procurement options are being considered, together with the possible options for house type and tenure. As with the other phases of regeneration, we will engage and consult with the community on the proposals in due course.