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Local hostels and night shelters

If you go to a hostel, take proof of your identity and income and, if possible, your National Insurance number. Conditions for entry may vary from place to place and you will need to pay to stay there.  

You may need to claim Housing Benefit to cover the costs. Find out how to make a claim for Housing Benefit

Hostels can be full and there is no guarantee they will have a place for you. Always try to telephone them before you turn up to check if they have room for you so you don’t make a wasted journey.

You can just turn up and apply for a place at the hostels below.  This is called direct access.

Mulberry House

32 Epsom Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 3LE 

Tel: 01483 577375

A hostel for vulnerable women aged 18 to 35 years old.

  • Self-catering.
  • 15 single rooms with shared facilities.
  • Maximum stay - two years.
  • You can stay until you are 7 months pregnant. Self-referral is possible, but a connection with the Guildford Borough Council area will help.
  • You must have a connection with the Surrey County area.

Wayside Hostel

42 Croydon Road, Reigate, Surrey  RH2 0PQ

Tel: 01737 248304

Wayside Hostel

York Road Project

1 York Road, Woking, Surrey

Tel: 01483 728739

  • Homeless shelter (opens at 6pm); drop-in café where you can get food and advice (open 11am to 2pm but closed Friday and Sunday).
  • You must be referred by Woking or Waverley Borough Councils.
  • 11 beds for single homeless men and women aged over 18 years old.
  • Offers a contract for 21 days.
  • Does accept people with records of serious offences.

York Road Project

You will need to be referred to these hostels or shelters by a local authority.


3 Church Rd, Leatherhead KT22 8AT 

Tel: 01372 377790

  • emergency short term accommodation for homeless men and women over the page of 18 years
  • priority  given to those with a local connection to Mole Valley District Council
  • 24 hour support and individual key working
  • a learning and development plan tailored to individual need
  • referral and resettlement into move on accommodation


Acacia House

1 Acacia Avenue, Woking, Surrey 

Tel: 01483 740774

  • 6 bed supported accommodation for single men and women aged 18 to 65 who are committed to recovery from alcohol or drug misuse.
  • 6 month to 2 year stay.
  • Acacia House does not accept those with convictions for arson or other serious offences.

The Crescent Project 

Heathside Crescent, Woking GU22 7AG

Tel: 01483 750616

  • Supported housing for people aged 18+
  • You must have a local connection to Waverley Borough Council
  • Stay up to two years
  • The Crescent is unlikely to accept those with convictions for arson or other serious offences

Dorking Night Shelter

3 Church Road, Dorking, Surrey 

Tel: 01306 898137 (8am to 10am and 6pm to 11pm or leave a message)

  • Hostel for 7 single homeless men and women aged 16+.
  • Telephone referrals only.
  • 1 shared room and use of communal facilities.
  • Residents must be out during the day.
  • Dorking Night Hostel cannot accept people who seem drunk on arrival, people with mental illness who require special care or people with a history of violence.
  • Dorking Night Hostel does not keep a waiting list.
  • Dry house

May Place House

May Place, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 7NX

Tel: 01256 840110

  • offers 20 rooms with 24 hours support for people who have been homeless
  • You must be referred by Basingstoke and Deane Council or Basingstoke and Deane outreach
  • Meals provided.
  • Access from 7.00 a.m. to 11.00 p.m. daily
  • Clients with a history of arson or other serious offences cannot be accepted.

May Place House

Number Five Project

3 - 5 York Road, Guildford, Surrey  GU1 4DR

Tel: 01483 303646

  • 16 bed shelter with 5 shared rooms for single homeless men over 18 as well as 2 female beds.
  • A local connection to Guildford Borough Council is required
  • Contact the HOST team (01483) 303646 between to find out if there are any bed spaces available.
  • Maximum stay - 14 nights.
  • Evening meal and breakfast provided.
  • Residents must be out during the day.
  • £1.00 per night personal contribution. Rent is also charged.

Number Five Project

Pound House

35 - 47 Board School Road, Woking, Surrey 

Tel: 01483 720872

  • A high support hostel for people aged 16 to 21 providing 24 hour staff support.
  • Stay up to 2 years.
  • Ten single rooms with shared facilities.
  • Poundhouse enables young people to move on to independent accommodation
  • You must be referred by Surrey County Council

Pound House

Stonham Housing Association

Cyrenian House, 18 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4UW 

Tel: 01483 560762

  • Accommodation for single homeless men aged 18 to 65 with complex needs.
  • Maximum stay of 1 year.
  • 11 single rooms.
  • Self-catering.
  • No self-referrals.
  • Stonham will refer you for counselling according to your need.
  • You must be referred by Guildford Borough Council.

Stonham Housing Association

Vaughan House

5 - 7 Chertsey Street, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4HD 

Tel: 01483 504704

  • Hostel for men and women aged 18 to 65.
  • Upon receipt of a completed referral, staff will assess your suitability.
  • A local connection to Guildford will help, but you must have a local connection to Surrey
  • Stay of up to 2 years.
  • Following a review, you can opt for self-catering after 3 months.
  • Vaughan House offers an alcohol treatment programme.
  • 2 dry flats (mixed), 5 flats (4 for men, 1 for women) and 1 detox unit.

Vaughan House

Winchester Night Shelter

20B Jewry Street, Winchester, Hampshire SO23 8RZ 

Tel: 01962 840222 

  • You must have a local connection to Winchester or Hampshire (not including Portsmouth or Southampton)
  • Shelter for homeless men and women aged 16 or over.
  • Admission from 6pm until 10pm
  • You must pay a small charge  on the door in advance
  • You must leave each day at 8.30 am
  • Maximum stay of 28 days.
  • No drunkenness - you must pass a breathalyser test to get in.

Winchester Night Shelter

Other Hostels

You can also search the Homeless Link website for homelessness services local to you.