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The Housing Register

If you are already on the housing register and you want to see and bid for homes, please visit the Waverley Homechoice website:

Waverley Homechoice

The Housing Register is a waiting list of people who qualify for social housing. On this page you will find information on:

  • Who can apply to join the Housing Register
  • How to apply to join the Housing Register
  • How we prioritise applications and allocate housing

For more information, including what support is available if you do not qualify for social housing please see our easy read booklet. 

Housing Register booklet

Can you answer ‘yes’ to the following:

  • Is your household income under £70,000?
  • Do you have less than £30,000 in savings?
  • Have you lived in Waverley for three out of the last five years? Or
  • Have you worked over 16 hours a week in Waverley for at least 12 months? Or
  • Do you have a close relative (parent, adult son or daughter or adult sibling) that has lived in Waverley for at least last five years?

Can you answer ‘no’ to the following:

  • Do you have housing debts to Waverley (rent deposit, rent arrears) without a payment plan set up and at least six months payment history?
  • Are you a home owner?
  • Have you previously exercised Right to Buy?
  • Are you a Housing Association or council tenant living outside Waverley 
  • Are you a Housing Association tenant in Waverley, where the council does not have nomination rights to the property?

If you meet the above criteria, it is likely that you qualify for council housing. To apply for Council, Housing Association or Senior Living accommodation you need to join the Housing Register.  

Once you are on the Housing Register, you can search for available homes.

You will need to complete an application form. If you meet the criteria in Section A of the form, you will be asked to complete Section B and to return both Sections of the form to us.

Download and print the application to join the Housing Register

How to fill in the application easy read booklet

More information

Find out more on the Waverley Homechoice website.

We assess each application to join the housing register against our allocation scheme.

The applications with the greatest housing need and local connection to Waverley will have a higher priority than those that don't.

Those with a high priority are placed in band A, those with a lower priority (or insufficient local connection) are placed in band C or in the discretionary pool.

Our allocation scheme


Summary of the allocation scheme (PDF) - 6 pages long

Waverley Borough Council Housing Allocation Scheme (PDF) - 65 pages long

The Privacy notice for Housing Options, Homelessness and the Housing Register explains what happens to the personal information you provide in the applications forms