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Anti-social behaviour on council land

As a Waverley tenant, you are responsible for the behaviour of everyone who lives in or visits your home.

You are responsible for their behaviour in your home, on surrounding land and in shared areas.

ASB is defined as:

  • any aggressive, intimidating or destructive activity that damages or destroys another person's quality of life. 
  • someone acting 'in a manner that caused, or was likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as themselves' (legal definition).

Examples of behaviour that is not ASB

Some acts may be considered unacceptable or possibly constitute a breach of tenancy but would not be considered anti-social behaviour

These include:

  • noise from children playing
  • personal differences
  • family disputes
  • normal household activities
  • one-off parties
  • clash of lifestyle including cultural differences
  • parking violations.

You should contact your Housing Officer when:

  • you have tried talking with your neighbour and have not been able to resolve the problem
  • you feel unable to talk to you neighbour, for example you are scared to
  • the complaint is about threatening or violent behaviour 
  • the complaint is about criminal activity.

Contact your Housing Officer: telephone 01483 523054 or email

We will listen to you to understand whether the problem is anti-social behaviour (ASB) or not.

If it is not ASB

  • We will help you with any questions that you may have in regards to your situation
  • We will give you advice to help to resolve or manage your situation.

If it is ASB

We will follow our policy for managing ASB. Our Service Standards outline that:

  • We commit to investigate all complaints of ASB
  • We prioritise the case according to its severity.

Serious complaints

When very serious complaints are made, our officers will arrange an immediate response. An appointment will be made at a safe place within one working day. Examples of this include: 

  • harassment
  • actual or threats of violence (including Domestic Abuse)
  • any other serious criminal activity.

Other complaints

For all other complaints, officers will arrange a mutually convenient time for an appointment.

  • Information given will treated in confidence and won’t be shared unless you have given permission to do so. However, we may share information with partner agencies if necessary to take the case forward.
  • An action plan will be agreed with you to decide the best way forward. This may involve you completing evidence sheets.
  • You will be kept informed of what is happening on a regular basis. How often we contact you will have been agreed in the action plan.
  • When the case is closed we will write to you and the alleged perpetrator, explaining why.

Waverley Housing Service Anti-Social Behaviour Policy and Procedure

Use the non-emergency number 101 for situations that do not require an immediate police response.

  • Does it feel like the situation could get heated or violent very soon? Is someone in immediate danger? Do you need support right away? If so, please call 999 now.
  • Serious incidents which are acts of a criminal nature should be passed directly to Surrey Police:

Tel: 101 or 01483 571212

Hate crime

Crimes committed against someone because of their disability, transgender-identity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation are hate crimes and should be reported to the police.

If you are a Waverley housing tenant: In addition to contacting the Police, please contact the Housing Management Team at (This inbox is monitored daily and centrally distributed to the relevant housing officer, and we will log your case).

More information about hate crime

Contact your Housing Officer