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Polling Places and Polling Districts

Waverley Borough Council carried out a Polling District Review (PDR) following the latest division boundary review by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE). New division boundaries have been created for parts of Waverley. 

Final proposals for polling places and polling districts were approved at the Full Council meeting on 28 January 2025.

The revised scheme of polling stations and polling places were to be used from 1 May 2025.

However, on 5 February 2025, the Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, The Rt. Hon. Angela Rayner MP announced in parliament that elections to the Surrey County Council scheduled for 1 May 2025, would be postponed for one year.

On 5 February 2025, the Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, The Rt. Hon. Angela Rayner MP announced in parliament that elections to the Surrey County Council scheduled for 1 May 2025, would be postponed for one year.

She said, “given the urgency of creating sustainable unitary local government for Surrey, we will postpone the county election for that area from May 2025 to May 2026, helping to speed up reorganisation and deliver the local ambitions for devolution with the benefits it will bring.”

Further information is available from the website of the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government.

Division Cranleigh and Ewhurst
Number of polling districts 7
Number of polling places 7
Division electorate 12,325
Proposed Polling District Code Polling District (PD) Name Electorate November  2024 Parliamentary Constituency Borough Ward Parish - Parish Ward Polling Place (PP)
CEA Cranleigh East 1 2,680 Godalming and Ash Cranleigh East Cranleigh - East Cranleigh Arts Centre, 1 High Street, Cranleigh
CEB Cranleigh East 2 2,755 Godalming and Ash Cranleigh East Cranleigh - East Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive
CWA Cranleigh West 1 402 Godalming and Ash Cranleigh West Cranleigh - West Village Hall, Elmbridge Manor, Essex Drive
CWB Cranleigh West 2 1,917 Godalming and Ash Cranleigh West Cranleigh - West Cranleigh Leisure Centre, Village Way
CWC Cranleigh West 3 2,570 Godalming and Ash Cranleigh West Cranleigh - West Cranleigh Methodist Church, 188 High Street, The Common
EEGA Ellens Green 238 Godalming and Ash Ewhurst & Ellens Green Ewhurst & Ellens Green Ellens Green Memorial Hall, Furzen Lane, Ellens Green
EEGB Ewhurst 1,763 Dorking and Horley Ewhurst & Ellens Green Ewhurst & Ellens Green The Community Room, The Glebe, Ewhurst

Division Farnham Central
Number of polling districts 5
Number of polling places 5
Division electorate 11,066
Proposed Polling District Code Polling District (PD) Name Electorate November  2024 Parliamentary Constituency Borough Ward Parish - Parish Ward Polling Place (PP)
FCA Castle (1) 2,024 Farnham and Bordon Farnham Castle Farnham - Castle Memorial Hall, Babbs Mead, West Street
FCB Castle (2) 1,907 Farnham and Bordon Farnham Castle Farnham - Castle Army Reserve Centre, Guildford Road, Farnham
FFA Firgrove (1) 2,787 Farnham and Bordon Farnham Firgrove Farnham - Shortheath and Firgrove Brambleton Hall, Talbot Road
FMPA Moor Park (1) 2,271 Farnham and Bordon Farnham Moor Park Farnham - Badshott Lea and Moor Park St Joan`s Centre, 19 Tilford Road, Farnham
FNWA Farnham North West (1) 2,077 Farnham and Bordon Farnham North West Farnham - North West The Chantrys community Centre, The Chantrys

Division Farnham North
Number of polling districts 5
Number of polling places 5
Division electorate 10,653
Proposed Polling District Code Polling District (PD) Name Electorate November  2024 Parliamentary Constituency Borough Ward Parish - Parish Ward Polling Place (PP)
FHA Heath End (1) 1,946 Farnham and Bordon Farnham Heath End Farnham - Hale and Heath End Bethel Baptist Church, Rushden Way, Heath End
FHB Heath End (2) 2,359 Farnham and Bordon Farnham Heath End Farnham - Hale and Heath End Hale Institute Village Hall, 1 Wings Road, Farnham
FMPB Moor Park (2) 1,637 Farnham and Bordon Farnham Moor Park Farnham - Badshott Lea and Moor Park St Georges Church Hall, Badshot Lea Road, Badshot Lea
FNWB Farnham North West (2) 1,207 Farnham and Bordon Farnham North West Farnham - North West Hale Institute Village Hall, 1 Wings Road, Farnham
FW Weybourne 3,504 Farnham and Bordon Farnham Weybourne Farnham - Weybourne Weybourne Village Hall, Weybourne Road, Farnham

Division Farnham South
Number of polling districts 4
Number of polling places 4
Division electorate 10,412
Proposed Polling District Code Polling District (PD) Name Electorate November  2024 Parliamentary Constituency Borough Ward Parish - Parish Ward Polling Place (PP)
FB Bourne 4,318 Farnham and Bordon Farnham Bourne Farnham - Bourne St. Thomas-on-The Bourne Church, Frensham Road, Farnham
FFB Firgrove (2) 1,597 approx. Farnham and Bordon Farnham Firgrove Farnham - Shortheath and Firgrove Brambleton Hall, Talbot Road
FRA Wrecclesham 2,457 Farnham and Bordon Farnham Rowledge Farnham - Wrecclesham and Rowledge Leverton Hall, St Peter's Church, Beales Lane
FRB Rowledge 2,040 Farnham and Bordon Farnham Rowledge Farnham - Wrecclesham and Rowledge Rowledge Village Hall, The Long Road, Rowledge

Division Godalming North
Number of polling districts 5
Number of polling places 5
Division electorate 11,576
Proposed Polling District Code Polling District (PD) Name Electorate November  2024 Parliamentary Constituency Borough Ward Parish - Parish Ward Polling Place (PP)
GBCA Binscombe 3,104 Godalming and Ash Godalming Binscombe and Charterhouse Godalming - Binscombe Binscombe Church, Barnes Road, Godalming
GBCB Charterhouse 2,953 Godalming and Ash Godalming Binscombe and Charterhouse Godalming - Charterhouse Armoury Building, Charterhouse School, Hurtmore Road
GCOA Central 1,510 Godalming and Ash Godalming Central and Ockford Godalming - Central and Ockford Wilfrid Noyce Centre, Crown Court, High Street
GFCA Catteshall 2,633 Godalming and Ash Godalming - Farncombe and Catteshall Godalming - Farncombe and Catteshall Godalming Town Football Club, Wey Court, 1 Meadrow
GFCB Farncombe 1,376 Godalming and Ash Godalming - Farncombe and Catteshall Godalming - Farncombe and Catteshall St John the Evangelist Church, St John’s Street, Farncombe


Division Godalming South, Milford and Witley
Number of polling districts 5
Number of polling places 4
Division electorate 11,212
Proposed Polling District Code Polling District (PD) Name Electorate November  2024 Parliamentary Constituency Borough Ward Parish - Parish Ward Polling Place (PP)
EPHBB Peper Harow (2) 17 Godalming and Ash Witley and Milford Peperharow (Parish Meeting) Milford Village Hall, Portsmouth Road, Milford
GCOB Ockford 2,185 Godalming and Ash Godalming Central and Ockford Godalming - Central and Ockford St Mark`s Community Centre, Franklyn Road, Godalming
GH Holloway 3,906 Godalming and Ash Godalming Holloway Godalming - Holloway St John The Baptist Church, Brighton Road, Busbridge
WMB Milford 3,122 Godalming and Ash Witley and Milford Witley and Milford - Milford Milford Village Hall, Portsmouth Road, Milford
WMC Witley 1,970 Godalming and Ash Witley and Milford Witley and Milford - East The Chichester Hall, Petworth Road

Division Haslemere
Number of polling districts 6
Number of polling places 5
Division electorate 9,894
Proposed Polling District Code Polling District (PD) Name Electorate November  2024 Parliamentary Constituency Borough Ward Parish - Parish Ward Polling Place (PP)
HBB Nutcombe 455 Farnham and Bordon Hindhead & Beacon Hill Haslemere - Nutcombe St Albans Church, Tilford Road, Beacon Hill
HEA Haslemere North 2,052 Farnham and Bordon Haslemere East Haslemere - North High Lane Community Centre, 19 Weycombe Road, Haslemere
HEB Grayswood 551 Farnham and Bordon Haslemere East Haslemere - North Grayswood Village Hall, Grayswood Road, Grayswood
HEC Haslemere South 3,128 Farnham and Bordon Haslemere East Haslemere - South Haslemere Hall, 2 Bridge Road
HW Haslemere West 3,698 Farnham and Bordon Haslemere West Haslemere - West Haslewey Centre, Lion Green, Haslemere
HEB.WMA Grayswood & Brook 1 10 Farnham and Bordon Haslemere East Witley & Milford West Grayswood Village Hall, Grayswood Road, Grayswood


Division Waverley Eastern Villages
Number of polling districts 16
Number of polling places 10
Division electorate 11,096
Proposed Polling District Code Polling District (PD) Name Electorate November  2024 Parliamentary Constituency Borough Ward Parish - Parish Ward Polling Place (PP)
ADHA Alfold 954 Godalming and Ash Alfold, Dunsfold and Hascombe Alfold Alfold Village Hall, Dunsfold Road, Alfold
ADHB Hascombe 232 Godalming and Ash Alfold, Dunsfold & Hascombe Hascombe Hascombe Village Hall, Mare Lane, Hascombe
ADHC Dunsfold 920 Godalming and Ash Alfold, Dunsfold and Hascombe Dunsfold The Winn Hall, The Common, Dunsfold
T/ADHC.CD Temp Dunsfold to Chiddingfold 2 Godalming and Ash Alfold, Dunsfold and Hascombe Chiddingfold The Winn Hall, The Common, Dunsfold
BWA Bramley 2,748 Godalming and Ash Bramley and Wonersh Bramley Bramley Village Hall, Hall Road, Bramley
T/BWA.ADHB Temp Bramley to Hascombe 4 Godalming and Ash Bramley and Wonersh Hascombe Bramley Village Hall, Hall Road, Bramley
BWB Munstead & Tuesley 826 Godalming and Ash Bramley and Wonersh Munstead and Tuesley Clock Barn Hall, Clock Barn Farm, Hambledon Road
BWC Blackheath 232 Godalming and Ash Bramley and Wonersh Wonersh - Blackheath Blackheath Village Hall, Blackheath Lane, Wonersh
BWD Wonersh 1,197 Godalming and Ash Bramley and Wonersh Wonersh - Wonersh Lawnsmead Hall, Wonersh Common Road, wonersh
BWE Shamley Green 1,212 Godalming and Ash Bramley and Wonersh Wonersh - Shamley Green Arbuthnot Hall, The Green
BWF Hambledon 633 Godalming and Ash Bramley and Wonersh Hambledon Hambledon Village Hall, Malthouse Lane, Hambledon
T/BWF.CD Temp Hambledon to Chiddingfold 4 Godalming and Ash Bramley and Wonersh Chiddingfold Hambledon Village Hall, Malthouse Lane, Hambledon
CD Chiddingfold 2,051 Godalming and Ash Chiddingfold Chiddingfold Chiddingfold Village Hall, Coxcombe Lane, Chiddingfold
CD.HEB Chiddingfold & Grayswood 2 Godalming and Ash Chiddingfold Haslemere North Chiddingfold Village Hall, Coxcombe Lane, Chiddingfold
CD.HEC Chiddingfold & Haslemere South 7 Godalming and Ash Chiddingfold Haslemere South Chiddingfold Village Hall, Coxcombe Lane, Chiddingfold
T/CD.WMC Temp Chiddingfold to Witley 72 Godalming and Ash Chiddingfold Witley and Milford - East Chiddingfold Village Hall, Coxcombe Lane, Chiddingfold


Division Waverley Western Villages
Number of polling districts 11
Number of polling places 8
Division electorate 10,598
Proposed Polling District Code Polling District (PD) Name Electorate November  2024 Parliamentary Constituency Borough Ward Parish - Parish Ward Polling Place (PP)
EPHA Elstead 2,004 Godalming and Ash Elstead and Peper Harow Elstead Elstead Youth Centre, Thursley Road, Elstead
EPHBA Peper Harow (1) 222 Godalming and Ash Elstead and Peper Harow Peperharow (Parish Meeting) Elstead Youth Centre, Thursley Road, Elstead
HBA Hindhead & Beacon Hill 3,469 Farnham and Bordon Hindhead and Beacon Hill Haslemere - Hindhead and Beacon Hill St Albans Church, Tilford Road, Beacon Hill
WCA Thursley 549 Godalming and Ash Western Commons Thursley Thursley Village Hall, Dye House Road, Thursley
WCB Churt 975 Farnham and Bordon Western Commons Churt Churt Village Hall, Crossways, Churt
WCC Dockenfield 376 Farnham and Bordon Western Commons Dockenfield The Vestry, Church of the Good Shepherd, The Street
WCD Frensham 784 Farnham and Bordon Western Commons Frensham - Frensham Frensham Parish Council Meeting Room, The Community Building, Shortfield Common Road
WCE Rushmoor 611 Farnham and Bordon Western Commons Frensham - Rushmoor The Tilford Institute, Tilford Road, Tilford
WCF Tilford 628 Farnham and Bordon Western Commons Tilford The Tilford Institute, Tilford Road, Tilford
WMA Brook 366 Godalming and Ash Witley and Milford Witley and Milford - West Pirrie Hall, Haslemere Road, Brook
WMA.HEB Grayswood & Brook 2 17 Godalming and Ash Witley and Milford Haslemere North Pirrie Hall, Haslemere Road, Brook
T/WMC.WMA Temp Witley to Brook 628 Godalming and Ash Witley and Milford Witley and Milford East Pirrie Hall, Haslemere Road, Brook