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Absent Voting

What is Absent Voting?

Absent voting allows you to vote in an election if you are unable to vote in person at the polling station on the day. For example you might be on holiday or at work, or you might have a medical condition or disability which makes it difficult to attend the polling station. 

There are two types of absent voting: 

Postal voting

Deadline for applying to vote via post in the General Election on Thursday 4 July:
5pm on Wednesday 19 June 2024. 

Postal voting – once a completed application has been submitted, a postal pack, which will include your ballot paper will be sent to you by post. You will be asked to complete your postal pack and return it in time to be included in the counting of votes.  

Proxy voting

Deadline for applying to vote via proxy in the General Election on Thursday 4 July:
5pm on Wednesday 26 June 2024. 

Proxy voting – you can appoint someone you to trust to vote on your behalf. Once appointed they will vote at the polling station at which you would normally vote at.   

Changes from 31 October 2023

You now have the option to apply for a postal vote and a one off proxy vote via a new central government online system.  

You will need to provide your National Insurance number when applying for an absent vote, whether this is an online application or paper application.  

Postal Voting

  • Postal voters will need to make a fresh application every three years, instead of the five-yearly signature refresh
  • Political parties and campaigners will be banned from handling postal vote packs. 
  • There will be a limit on the number of postal vote packs that a person can hand in at a polling station. 

Proxy Votes

  • You will only be able to act as a proxy for up to 2 people living in the UK (or a maximum of 4 people, with 2 people living in the UK and 2 people registered as living overseas).