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Annual Canvass 2023

Each year the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) has a legal requirement to conduct an annual canvass to ensure the electoral register is accurate and complete. Households will be allocated to routes and will be contacted in different ways depending on the result of our local and national data matching.

The electoral register will be sent securely to the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) to be matched against their records in July. During the data matching process, electors’ names and addresses are matched against details held by the DWP.

If all the registered people at a property can be matched with the DWP, your property will become a Route 1 property.

If there are any people at a property that cannot be matched, your property will become a Route 2 property.

Some forms do not require a response. If you do not respond to the initial form and you are required to do so, a second form will be sent to you.

If we do not receive a response to the second form, electoral canvassers will contact you. This could be by telephone or by visiting your property with a form to encourage you to respond.

We will follow the latest UK Health Security Agency Covid-19 guidance when we visit properties.