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Emergency Planning - Staff Safety Register privacy notice

This privacy notice explains how we process the personal data of an individual who will have been notified by letter that their details have been logged on the council's Staff Safety Register (SSR).  

Data Controller: Waverley Borough Council

Waverley Borough Council (WBC) is the public body exercising control over the purpose for which and the manner in which your personal data is processed.

Data Controller's contact details:

Waverley Borough Council, The Burys, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1HR

01483 523333

ICO registration number is Z5031756

Data Protection Officer:

Adrian Fennell

The legal basis for and the purposes of the processing

The Council owes a duty of care to its employees under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and has a legal duty under RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 – to record and report work-related violence.

In the event of this happening, personal information about an individual involved in an incident will be collected and stored on the council’s Staff Safety Register (SSR). This information will allow staff to take safety precautions when dealing with that individual going forward.

We are permitted to use your personal information this way because the processing is necessary to allow us to carry out our statutory duties whilst meeting our health and safety obligations to our staff. Special category data is processed for reasons of substantial public interest under the law that applies to us where this helps to meet our broader social obligations such as where it is necessary for us to fulfil our legal obligations and regulatory requirements.  

The source of the personal data and the type of data processed

  We may collect information for this purpose via a number of sources:

  • people involved or who witnessed an incident
  • yourself
  • our staff
  • third party sources eg the police.

The type of data we process is likely to be (but not limited to):

  • your name, address and contact details
  • a description of the incident that you were involved in
  • images and video of the incident or related incidents (such as CCTV or footage from body cameras)
  • sensitive personal information, including data about health and criminal convictions or allegations that relate to the incident.

Who we share data with

The SSR can only be accessed by certain council employees.

Individuals listed on the SSR each have an advisory box where officers are advised about the safety precautions they are recommended to take when dealing with the individual.

We may also share your information with other agencies, organisations and contractors that may come into direct contact with you. We do this to assess the risks to their employees as part of their work.

Under UK data protection laws, we also have a duty to pass information to third party organisations such as the police if a crime has been committed.

Where we feel that others are at risk, we will share information without your consent.

We will not share data with third parties for marketing purposes.

We will only share information that is adequate, relevant and not excessive and only where sharing is necessary to safeguard our staff and other third parties from potential harm.

Further information on onward transfers

WBC will not transfer the personal data you have provided outside of the UK or European Union unless this is permitted in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 or the UK GDPR.

How long the personal data will be kept for

The personal data you have supplied will be retained and destroyed in accordance with WBC’s Records Retention and Disposal Schedule. 

Automated Decision Making

The personal data provided by you will not be used for any automated decisions.

Your data subject rights

These can be found on our main council privacy notice.

Will the personal data be processed for a different purpose?

No. If WBC needs to inform recipients about any action it has taken under the Data Protection Act then it will do so by placing a Notice on WBC’s website informing the public of any relevant changes.