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Councillors' allowances and expenses

About councillors’ allowances

  • Councillors are not paid a salary for their work, but they do receive allowances.
  • By law, every local authority has to agree a Scheme of Allowances which includes how much councillors should receive for undertaking their duties.
  • Before a council can make or amend its scheme, it should consider any recommendations made by an Independent Remuneration Panel.  
  • The main elements are a basic allowance, special responsibility allowances and mileage and subsistence rates.
  • Allowances paid to councillors are subject to income tax.
  • Waverley's mileage and subsistence rates are paid at the rates determined by the National Joint Council for local authorities. 
  • Councillors' allowances are increased in line with the annual pay award for staff.

Current scheme of allowances

Members' Allowance Scheme 2023-24

The current scheme of allowances came into effect on 1 April 2023.

Allowances and expenses paid to Waverley Borough Councillors

To promote transparency in the use of public funds and decision-making, we publish details of Councillors' allowance claims.

View payments made to Councillors 2023/24