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Have your say at meetings

Informal questions

Ordinary meetings of Council and the Executive are preceded by up to 15 minutes of informal questions. Any one wishing to ask an informal question will need to register on the day of the meeting with Democratic Services. The arrangements are set out in the agenda for the meeting and will take account of whether the meeting is being held in the Council offices or virtually, via Zoom.

Questions should be short, and take no more than 2 minutes to read out, including any preamble. A written response will be provided after the meeting if it is not possible to provide an answer in person.

Formal questions

You can ask a formal question at an ordinary meeting of the Council, Executive or various Committees.  

Your question must:

  • be substantially in the form of a question, without a lengthy preamble
  • relate to something over which Waverley has powers
  • not be defamatory, frivolous or offensive
  • not be substantially the same as a question asked in the last six months
  • not require the disclosure of confidential or exempt information.

The Chief Executive may reject a question that doesn't meet the criteria, or amend a question to make sure it meets the criteria on questions. 

You must send your question to Democratic Services by 5pm, four working days before the day of the meeting (ie not including the day of the meeting). Please give us more time if you can, so we can check everything is OK.

How it works at the meeting

Questions and prepared answers will be circulated to councillors and members of the public. 

Where to send your question

Please send your question to:

Democratic Services
Waverley Borough Council
The Burys, Godalming
