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Senior Management Team

Joint Chief Executive

Pedro Wrobel

Guildford Borough Council & Waverley Borough Council



Dawn Hudd

Joint Strategic Director, Place

Guildford Borough Council & Waverley Borough Council


Transformation and Governance

Ian Doyle

Joint Strategic Director, Transformation and Governance

Guildford Borough Council & Waverley Borough Council


Legal and Democratic Services

Susan Sale

Joint Strategic Director, Legal and Democratic Services (Monitoring Officer)

Guildford Borough Council & Waverley Borough Council



Richard Bates

Joint Strategic Director, Finance (Section 151 officer)

Guildford Borough Council & Waverley Borough Council


Housing and Environment

Julian Higson

Interim Joint Strategic Director, Housing and Environment

Guildford Borough Council & Waverley Borough Council


The Assistant Directors are responsible for these functions across both Guildford Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council:

Customer Services: Peter Stevens (Interim)

  • Customer services
  • Complaints
  • Ombudsman
  • Case management
  • Digital services
  • FOI
  • ICT and business systems.

Community Services: Sam Hutchison

  • Careline
  • Community grants
  • Community Safety, incl CS Partnership
  • Disabled facilities grants, adaptations
  • Family support
  • Health
  • Safeguarding
  • Supporting vulnerable people, migrants and refugees.

Environmental Services: Marcus Harvey

  • Bereavement
  • Green spaces, parks, countryside, trees
  • Fleet operations
  • Street cleaning
  • Waste and recycling.

Housing Services: Annalisa Howson

  • Homelessness
  • Housing advice
  • Housing maintenance and repairs
  • Landlord services.

The Assistant Directors are responsible for these functions across both Guildford Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council:

Assets and Property: Marieke van der Reijden

  • Property and land assets
  • Engineers
  • Facilities.

Planning Development: Claire Upton-Brown

  • Planning applications
  • Planning enforcement
  • Planning integration and improvement.

Regeneration & Planning Policy: Abi Lewis

  • Corporate capital projects
  • Economic development
  • Housing delivery
  • Planning policy, design, conservation, transport
  • Regeneration.

Regulatory Services: Richard Homewood

  • Air quality
  • Corporate health and safety
  • Emergency planning
  • Environmental health/crime
  • Food safety
  • Licensing
  • Private sector housing.

The Assistant Directors are responsible for these functions across both Guildford Borough Council and Waverley Borough Council:

Commercial Services: Kelvin Mills

  • Building control
  • Events
  • Heritage
  • Leisure
  • Parking (on and off street)
  • Waverley Training Services.

Organisational Development: Robin Taylor

  • Business transformation
  • Climate change
  • Communications and engagement
  • HR, learning and development, payroll
  • Strategy, policy and performance
  • Programme assurance
  • Risk management, business continuity.