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Community Asset Transfer Policy


Until now, the council has not had a policy outlining the approach and decision-making process governing expressions of interest for the transfer of assets owned by or under stewardship of the council deemed suitable for transfer to a Voluntary or Community Organisation (VCO).

A new policy has been written to guide and ensure a transparent and consistent approach by the council when considering expressions of interest for a Community Asset Transfer to a VCO.

The exec report includes an illustrative selection of transfer enquiries received for parcels of land across the Borough providing without prejudice examples of what would be assessed using the procedures and criteria set out in the proposed policy.

Having an adopted policy provides clarity on the steps to take both for the applicants when preparing an expression of interest for consideration, and the council when assessing it. It enables a decision-making process governing the transferring of land to a VCO to be undertaken on a consistent and fair basis.

Application process

An online version of the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) Expression of Interest Form is under development and will be made available via this page. 

You can view the form at Annexe 1 of the Policy document below.

Related documents

Further information about the policy and wider approach can be found in these documents:

Report to executive

Community Asset Transfer Policy

Equality Impact Assessment