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Council Tax information 2024/25

We work together with Surrey County Council, Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner and towns and parishes to provide local services and amenities in Waverley.

Although we collect all your Council Tax, we only keep 9%, with the rest being split to cover all the services delivered by each authority.

Breakdown of Council Tax

  • Surrey County Council: 74%
  • Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey: 14%
  • Waverley Borough Council: 9%
  • Town and parish councils: 3%

How much is your Council Tax?

Council Tax charges 2024/25

Town and parish councils with a budget over £140,000 have to publish details about their spending plans. A precept is the amount of money towns/ parishes say they need to raise from Council Tax to fund their activities.

Click on a town or parish below to see a breakdown of their precepts:

Chiddingfold Parish Council precepts

Chiddingfold Parish Council's estimated precept for 2024/25 is £153,945 (Net). Below is a full breakdown of the figures for estimated spend:

  2023/24 - Gross (£) 2023/24 - Net (£) 2024/25 - Gross (£) 2024/25 - Net (£)
Office and general services 91,250 89,020 47,130 42,130
Grass and hedge cutting 16,500 15,180 12,000 9,840
Other/external maintenance 28,523 24,231 45,200 39,740
Projects - - 25,000 25,000
Discretionary expend and donations 12,000 12,000 15,000 15,000
Debt repayments 4,569 4,569 4,568 4,568
Transfer to/from EMRs  5,000 - 17,667 17,667
Precept 157,842 145,000 166,565 153,945

Cranleigh Parish Council precepts

Cranleigh Parish Council's estimated precept for 2024/25 is £539,388 (Net). Below is a full breakdown of the figures for estimated spend:

  2023/24 - Gross (£) 2023/24 - Net (£) 2024/25 - Gross (£) 2024/25 - Net (£)
Office and general services 127,260 126,260 130,454 113,414
Recreation 239,650 197,229 260,689 215,314
Village hall 38,782 21,782 46,882 36,232
Cemetery 100,805 74,025 114,402 83,029
Other 27,648 27,648 27,899 27,899
(Use of)/contribution to balances 40,060 40,060 63,500 63,500
Precept 574,205 487,004 643,826 539,388

Farnham Town Council precepts

Farnham Town Council's estimated precept for 2024/25 is £1,424,818 (Net). Below is a full breakdown of the figures for estimated spend:

  2023/24 - Gross (£) 2023/24 - Net (£) 2024/25 - Gross (£) 2024/25 - Net (£)
Professional services and administration 125,850 106,850 133,000 133,000
Governance and democratic services 145,750 145,750 148,500 148,500
Office and customer services 125,900 125,900 128,900 128,900
Grant funding 74,500 74,500 81,500 81,500
Planning, elections and publicity 56,100 56,100 62,850 57,850
Community development/community safety/CIL 115,750 107,750 115,750 105,750
Younger people projects 16,000 16,000 106,000 106,000
Grounds services, open spaces and gardens 214,600 209,600 250,350 245,350
Farnham in Bloom 158,800 133,800 160,950 134,950
Allotments 18,450 350 20,950 3,700
Public conveniences 88,500 88,500 90,500 90,500
Town centre incl. infrastructure project, Christmas lights and rural development  131,250 123,750 130,150 119,150
Tourism, events and farmers' market 227,400 113,150 229,600 124,100
Cemeteries 144,900 42,900 147,950 42,950
Bank interest and dividends - -29,000 - -75,000
Subtotal 1,643,750 1,335,900 1,806,950 1,447,200
Less funding from council reserves - -20,000 - -22,382
Precept 1,643,750 1,315,900 1,806,950 1,424,818

Godalming Town Council precepts

Godalming Town Council's estimated precept for 2024/25 is £1,147,744 (Net). Below is a full breakdown of the figures for estimated spend:

  2023/24 - Gross (£) 2023/24 - Net (£) 2024/25 - Gross (£) 2024/25 - Net (£)
Administration 693,795 629,916 758,427 601,076
Civic expenses 17,760 17,760 19,050 19,050
Community buildings 80,038 18,738 82,930 21,580
Other land and property (incl. allotments) 40,440 37,740 41,355 38,505
Festivals and markets 15,331 1,281 16,528 2,468
Christmas lights 43,700 43,700 46,016 46,016
Museum 78,620 70,836 84,560 76,776
Youth service 151,770 143,970 455,370 273,970
Cemeteries - - 144,460 -9,400
Debt charges 77,703 77,703 77,703 77,703  
Precept 1,199,157 1,041,644 1,726,399 1,147,744

Haslemere Town Council precepts

Haslemere Town Council's estimated precept for 2024/25 is £438,540 (Net). Below is a full breakdown of the figures for estimated spend:

  2023/24 - Gross (£) 2023/24 - Net (£) 2024/25 - Gross (£) 2024/25 - Net (£)
Administration 203,025 196,025 224,202 201,952
Premises 15,275 15,175 16,050 15,900
External maintenance 50,335 48,335 55,650 53,650
Discretionary expenditure 101,825 95,730 89,783 83,688
Grants, special projects, use of balances 116,850 54,850 103,350 83,350
Precept 487,310 410,115 489,035 438,540

Witley and Milford Parish Council precepts

Witley Parish Council's estimated precept for 2024/25 is £264,148 (Net). Below is a full breakdown of the figures for estimated spend:

  2023/24 - Gross (£) 2023/24 - Net (£) 2024/25 - Gross (£) 2024/25 - Net (£)
Office and general services 146,876 141,676 153,150 147,150
Recreation, land and property management 100,050 90,007 117,677 106,824
Neighbourhood plan and other community projects 12,165 12,165 9,250 9,250
Cemetery and closed churchyard 9,852 -2,148 9,099 -1,076
Grants and donations 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Use of reserves/balances 1,266 1,266 - -
Precept 272,209 244,966 291,176 264,148

The Environment Agency's flood defence work is funded in part by a levy on local councils. Surrey is covered by the agency's Southern and Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committees. 

The Environment Agency's expenditure and council tax requirement.

The Environment Agency spend money on the construction of new flood defence schemes, the maintenance of the river system and existing flood defences, together with the operation of a flood warning system and management of the risk of coastal erosion.

More information

Find out more about the Environment Agency (GOV.UK)

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