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Financial information

We are required to prepare a Statement of Accounts which presents a true and fair view of the financial position and transactions of the council. 

We do this by complying to the 'Code of Practice on Local Authority Accounting' which specifies the principles and practices of accounting required.

What is the purpose of the Statement of Accounts? 

The purpose of a local authority's published Statement of Accounts is to give clear information about the authority's finances, such as:

  • What did the authority's services cost in the year of account?
  • Where did the money come from?
  • What were the authority's assets and liabilities at the year-end?

Accounts 2023/24

Notice of conclusion of 2023/24 audit of accounts 20 February 2025

Annual Finance Report 2023/24

Audit Finding Report 2023/24

The Bequest of Joseph Ewart Trust Accounts 2023/24

Shottermill Recreation Ground and Swimming Pool Trust Accounts 2023/24

If you need to view these documents in a different format, please email the Accountancy team.

Accounts 2022/23

Notice of conclusion of 2022/23 audit of accounts 6 December 2024

Annual Financial Report 2022/23

Audit Findings Report 2022/23

The Bequest of Joseph Ewart Trust Accounts

Shottermill Recreation Ground and Swimming Pool Trust Accounts

Accounts 2021/22

Annual Financial Report 2021/22

Notice of conclusion of 2021/22 audit

Accounts 2020/21

Annual Financial Report 2020/21

Notice of conclusion of 2020/21 audit

Accounts 2019/20

Annual Financial Report 2019/20

Notice of conclusion of 2019/20 audit

Accounts 2018/2019

Annual Financial Report 2018/19

Notice of conclusion of 2018/19 audit

Historical Accounts

Financial Year 2017/18

Financial Year 2016/17

Financial Year 2015/16

Further information

The accounts are available for inspection by residents of the Borough and are advertised in the local press each year before the audit is carried out.

Copies of the Statement of Accounts are available for inspection at Council's offices once the audit is complete. 

We are keen to continue to improve the presentation of our Accounts so please let us know if you have any suggestions.

If you need to view these documents in a different format, please contact us.


Tel: 01483 523255

We recognise that local authority accounts are complex and that not all readers will have the time to study the level of detail that we are required to publish. Therefore, we have prepared an 'easy-to-follow' summaries of the annual financial reports. These should give a good understanding of the Council's financial activity in the year.

Download our Summary Accounts

You can download Summary Accounts for the last seven years.

Summary of Accounts 21/22

Summary of Accounts 20/21

Summary of Accounts 19/20

Summary of Accounts 18/19 

Summary of Accounts 17/18

Summary of Accounts 16/17

Summary of Accounts 15/16

We are keen to continue to improve the presentation of our Accounts so please let us know if you have any suggestions.

Alternative format

If you would like information presented in an alternative format, such as large print or another language, please contact us.

Tel: 01483 523253.

All of us need to plan our spending and match it against our income and Waverley Borough Council is no different.

Each February, we set our budget for the following financial year. The budget is constructed over a period of a few months and takes into account many factors including service demands, political objectives, cost pressures, income opportunities and funding constraints.

What is the Budget Book?

We are responsible for lots of vital services. These services are grouped and presented as a formal budget collected together in our Budget Book. The Budget Book shows where Waverley plans to spend its money and collect its income.

The council agrees its aims, objectives and priorities for the year and these help shape the budget considerations.

Budget Book 2025/26