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Apply for, or vary, a premises licence

New premises

You will need to provide:

  • your details
  • details of the DPS if you are applying for a licence that includes the sale of alcohol
  • a detailed plan of the premises
  • an operating schedule, eg hours when alcohol will be sold.

You must display your application notice at or on the premises for 28 days from the day after it was submitted.

Apply for a premises licence (PDF)

New premises licence notice (Word)

New premises licence notice (PDF)

Minor variations

Make small changes to your premises licence or club certificate that do not impact on the four licensing objectives of:

  • Prevention of Crime and Disorder
  • Public Safety
  • Prevention of Public Nuisance  
  • Protection of Children from Harm.

Minor variation to a premises licence or club certificate

You must publish a notice about your application so that members of the Public can comment or object to your application.

Public notice template for a minor variation application to a premises licence (Word)

Public notice template for a minor variation application to a premises licence (PDF)

You can refer to the guidance (GOV.UK) (chapter 8) or contact us for further advice.

Vary a premises licence

If you need to amend your licence you can normally apply to vary your licence rather than apply for a new one.  Variations to licences that could negatively impact our licensing objectives are subject to the variation process, rather than the minor variation process (above).

Vary a premises licence (PDF)

You must publish a notice about your application so that members of the Public can comment or object to your application.

New variation of premises or club certificate licence notice (Word)

New variation of premises or club certificate licence notice (PDF)

Transfer a premises licence

You can apply for a premises licence to be transferred to you if you want to take over an existing premises licence. If the premises licence includes the sale by retail of alcohol as a licensable activity a designated premises supervisor (DPS) will be included on the licence. If the current DPS will not remain at the premises, a new DPS will need to be appointed.

Transfer a premises licence

Designated premises supervisor (DPS)

Change DPS

As a premises licence holder an application must be submitted if you want to change the designated premises supervisor (DPS) or if the DPS leaves the business. The new DPS must be a personal licence holder.

Change designated premises supervisor 

Remove the DPS

As a premises licence holder you can apply to remove the designated premises supervisor:

Designated premises supervisor removal request form 

As a premises licence holder you can apply to remove the designated premises supervisor from a community premises.

Designated premises supervisor removal request form for community premises