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Fees for entertainment and premises licensing

Temporary Event Notice fee

Temporary Event Notices  Fee
Application £21

Lottery and gambling licence fees

Lottery and gambling applications Fees
Lottery licence – new £40.00
Lottery licence – renewal £20.00
Gaming permit - new £100.00
Gaming permit – renewal £50.00
Club gaming machine - new £100.00
Club gaming machine – renewal £50.00

Personal and premises licence fees

Personal and premises licences  Fee
Personal licences £37.00
Personal licence – replacement/change of details £10.50
Premises licence – minor variation £89.00
Premises licence – change of name/copy, etc. £10.50
Premises licence – interim authority £23.00
Premises licence – notification of interest £21.00
Premises licence – transfer £23.00
Premises licence – vary DPS £23.00

Premises licences and club premises certificates

Application for grant or full variation of a premises licence or club premises certificate (see exception below).

The fee payable is based on the non-domestic rateable value of the premises concerned. You can find the current rateable value of your premises using the Valuation Office Agency’s search engine (external link).


Rateable Value

Annual premises licence fee


Not rated, or up to £4,300



From £4,301 to £33,000



From £33,001 to £87,000



From £87,001 to £125,000



From £125,001 or more


If a premises falls within Bands D or E is exclusively, or primarily, used for the supply and consumption of alcohol on the premises, the fees are:


Rateable Value

Annual premises licence fee


From £87,001 to £125,000



From £125,001 or more


High-capacity premises

Premises licences for large capacity events have an extra annual fee, based upon the number of people allowed to attend the event at any time.  The extra annual fee must be added to the relevant annual fee in the table above.

Licensed capacity

Extra annual premises licence fee

5,000 to 9,999


10,000 to 14,999


15,000 to 19,999


20,000 to 29,999


30,000 to 39,999


40,000 to 49,999


50,000 to 59,999


60,000 to 69,999


70,000 to 79,999


80,000 to 89,999


90,000 +


Contact us

For further information, contact the Licensing team at