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Anti-Social Behaviour Case Review (previously known as Community Trigger)

What is an Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Case Review?

An ASB Case Review is a review of anti-social behaviour complaints you have made where the anti-social behaviour continues to take place. 

Who can apply for an ASB Case Review?

A victim of anti-social behaviour or another person acting on their behalf. This could be a carer or family member, MP, councillor or professional person. The victim could be an individual, a business or a community group.

When can you apply for an ASB Case Review?

You can apply if you have reported three or more incidents of ASB to Waverley Borough Council, Surrey Police or Surrey County Council which you do not feel have dealt with the problem. For a review to be held, the reported incidents must meet the threshold below:

  • Be separate, but related, incidents that have taken place within the last six months
  • Have been reported to the agencies within one month of the incident taking place.

If the threshold is not met the case review will not occur.

What is not suitable for an ASB Case Review?

  • If you have reported ASB and been given a timescale for response, which has not run out. However we will contact the agency you made the report to, to make sure they are aware of the issue.
  • If you have reported ASB and received a service but you are unhappy with the conduct of a particular agency. You may be advised to submit a complaint under the agency's complaints procedures.

How can I submit an ASB Case Review?

You can submit an ASB Case Review online:

ASB Case Review Request Form

Collective ASB Case Review Request

If other people you know are experiencing the same anti-social behaviour you can submit a joint application, BUT you will need to have their consent before doing so. 

You will need to use a downloaded copy of the application form if you want to submit a joint application so that all applicants can sign their consent.

ASB Case Review form to download

Fill it it and email it to

You will need to include the following details:

  • Dates of each time you've complained
  • Details of where you complained (name, organisation and/or incident reference number)
  • Information about the anti-social behaviour.

What will happen after I submit a form?

  • We will confirm we have received your ASB Case Review request within three working days
  • Your application will be assessed to confirm whether or not the threshold has been met
  • We will contact you, within 25 working days, to let you know whether your application meets the threshold
  • If the ASB Case Review threshold is met, a Review Panel will meet and agree an action plan to address the ASB issue. We will send you a copy of the action plan and provide you with updates.

If the ASB Case Review threshold is NOT met, we will let you know and explain why it has not met the threshold.

ASB Case Review Statistics

There is a legal requirement to publish how many ASB Case Reviews we have received.

Our data is as follows for the period from April 2023 to March 2024:

  • Number of ASB Case Review applications received: 8
  • Number that did not meet the threshold: 4
  • Number of case reviews held: 4

More information about anti-social behaviour

Surrey County Council

Surrey Police

ASB Help website