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Assorted staff, councillors, council leaders and the Mayor wearing high-vis clothing on a construction site.

Date posted: 22 May 2024

Works underway at Aarons Hill, Godalming

Waverley Borough Councillors joined Ermine Construction and Waverley Borough Council Housing Development team last week at Aarons Hill Godalming, formally marking start of works at site with a ‘spade in the ground’ ceremony.

Ermine Construction are working with Waverley Borough Council and Homes England at Aarons Hill and are building four 1-bedroom apartments with Homes England funding to help meet social and affordable housing need in the area. Importantly, two of the four homes will also help to alleviate homelessness.

Ermine Construction anticipate the works taking approximately 10 months to complete, starting Spring 2024 and completed by early 2025.

In line with Waverley Borough Council’s Affordable Homes Delivery Strategy and climate change commitments, the homes will be net zero in operation taking a fabric-first approach. They will be fitted with air-source heat pumps and photo voltaic (PV) panels providing hot water and energy to the new homes. These technologies will complement enhanced insulation (doors, windows, floor slab, roofs, and wall) measures, the fabric-first elements, delivering fit for the future homes for Waverley Borough Council and its residents.

Waverley Borough Council Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery), Councillor Janet Crowe said:

“This is a small but wonderful housing development, utilising brownfield land. Ermine Construction is clearly working hard to transform this old garage site into affordable sustainable new homes. It’s wonderful to have partners who share our vision and values, and we are delighted with the quality of this build so far”.

Waverley Borough Council Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Operations), Councillor Paul Rivers said:

“Schemes like this really demonstrate Waverley Borough Council’s commitment to providing affordable homes in our borough. We are one of the few local authorities who still own and manage our council homes. We are proud of this, and the support we can give to all our residents, including those who are more vulnerable. This is a great scheme, and we thank Homes England for their contribution to the funding”.  

Debbie Smith, Provider Manager for the Rough Sleepers Accommodation Programme, said,

“We're pleased to work with the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities to deliver the Rough Sleeper Accommodation Programme, supporting provision of high-quality homes and support for some of the most vulnerable members of our society, who are sleeping rough or at risk of homelessness”.

Aarons Hill is off Eashing Road in Godalming. It is close to Waverley Borough Council’s larger housing development at Ockford Ridge, which is delivering new sustainable homes for residents.


Image: People from left to right: Francesca Little, Site Manager Ermine Construction; Mark Peasey, Ermine Construction; Councillor Penny Rivers, Mayor of Waverley; Councillor Paul Rivers, Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Operations and Services); Louisa Blundell, Waverley Borough Council; Councillor Crowe, Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Delivery); Jack Crawford, Waverley Borough Council and Councillor Paul Follows, Leader Waverley Borough Council.

Categories: Council News