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Graffiti on a wall on a run-down building.

Date posted: 23 February 2024

Waverley wants your views on Anti-Social Behaviour

Do you have something to say about anti-social behaviour in Godalming and Farncombe, or in our parks and greenspaces?  If so, Waverley Borough Council wants to hear your views as part of its consultation on extending the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) that covers Godalming, Farncombe and Waverley managed parks and greenspaces.

The PSPO was introduced in April 2021 to address various concerns regarding.

  • anti-social behaviour in Godalming and Farncombe
  • the lighting of barbecues and bonfires in Waverley managed parks and greenspaces across the borough.

You can find further detail on the current PSPO and background to the Order by visiting our website at Waverley Borough Council - Anti-social behaviour PSPO.

PSPOs (Public Spaces Protection Orders) are aimed at ensuring public spaces can be enjoyed free from anti-social behaviour. They are not about stopping the responsible use of public spaces - but they do provide councils with a tool to tackle persistent issues that are affecting their communities.

You have  until Wednesday 13 March 2024 to complete the survey which can be found by visiting

All responses from the consultation will be considered by the council and a decision on whether to renew the PSPO will be taken in April 2024. The council will publish the results online within a month of the decision.

 Councillor Kika Mirylees, Waverley Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Community Services, Leisure and EDI, said: “The PSPO has been working effectively, particularly in relation to barbecues and bonfires, however, the time has come to ensure the original order is still appropriate and proportionate.

“I would encourage people to take a few moments to complete the survey, the views of our residents and those who visit the borough are extremely important to us and will help us ensure we continue to address any issues and ensure the borough remains a safe and beautiful place to visit and enjoy.”