Waverley Borough Council has successfully bid for funding in the Warm Homes: Social Housing Fund Wave 3 energy efficiency scheme and has been offered a provisional allocation worth £2,097,557.
The programme provides grants to social housing providers to help them improve their homes to energy performance certificate Band C. Waverley Borough Council has also committed £3,000,000 of funds to the project over the next 3 years, which will be used to upgrade some of the worst performing homes through a fabric-first approach.
The energy efficiency upgrade measures will help to make the homes warmer, reduce carbon emissions and tackle fuel poverty by installing insulation, low-carbon heating systems and solar PV panels which will save households money on their energy bills.
Waverley Borough Council successfully bid for funding in Wave 2.2 of the funding programme and is now currently in delivery of 59 homes across the borough.
Waverley Borough Council’s Co-Portfolio Holder for Housing (Operations and Services), Cllr Paul Rivers, said:
“Congratulations to our team who put the successful bid together. Ensuring our tenants have warm and energy-efficient homes is vital, and the social housing funds will help those who might be struggling to keep their homes warm, improving their comfort and wellbeing.
“It is also testament to our commitment to decarbonise our council homes, tackle fuel poverty and improve energy efficiency.”
For more information on the council’s climate change strategy and action plan, visit Sustainability & Conservation | Waverley Borough Council
For further information on our Housing Asset Management Strategy 2022-2030, visit Housing Strategies Overview | Waverley Borough Council