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Cyclists cycling along the road.

Date posted: 15 October 2021

Waverley residents – have your say on a new Godalming cycling route

Waverley Borough Council is seeking residents’ views on a new cycle route in Godalming as part of a wider Godalming ‘Greenway Gateway’ project by Surrey County Council.

A feasibility report was commissioned by Waverley Borough Council to explore routes which will improve the connection from the east side of Godalming with the train station and from the north west side of Godalming to the town centre.

As a result of the report, two routes are now being investigated, largely following the route along The Burys. Details of the full route options can be found Have Your Say Today – Guildford To Godalming Greenway. The consultation will run until 21 November 2021 and will provide full details of the routes, planned work and timelines. 

Two drop-in sessions will also be available where people can learn more about the proposed routes, study plans and drawings and submit comments. These will take place at:

  • Godalming Library, Saturday 30 October, 10:00 – 13:00
  • Waverley Borough Council Office (Reception area), Thursday 4 November, 15:00 – 19:30

Councillor Steve Williams, Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, said:

“As a council whose aim is to become a net-zero carbon borough by 2030, the promotion of more active travel options such as cycling and walking is high on our agenda. To do this, we need to make sure there are easily accessible and safe routes available for all so that more people can cycle or walk and help reduce emissions in the area too.

“I would urge residents, especially those who walk or cycle on a regular basis, or those who are interested in the scheme, to get involved and have their say as this will help shape the final decision.”

For full details of the engagement and how to get involved please go to Have Your Say Today – Guildford To Godalming Greenway

*Please note, details on the Godalming Greenway Gateway section of the proposal are at the bottom of the page.