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Graphic with information on Waverley's Climate Change Action Plan Consultation Summary.

Date posted: 12 March 2021

Waverley residents confirm climate change issue key

Hundreds of residents responded to Waverley Borough Council’s Climate Emergency survey with results showing that 93% think climate change is a key issue and offering valuable insight into what the council should concentrate on going forward.

The survey was launched, following the adoption of the Climate Emergency motion in September 2019 and Carbon Neutrality Action Plan and Strategy in December 2020 which set out the council’s aim to become carbon-neutral by 2030.

Councillor Steve Williams, Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, said:

“We had a fantastic response to the survey with the results showing that our communities think this a critical issue, with 73% more concerned about Climate Change than they were 12 months ago.

“The information gathered from our residents, businesses and other key groups in the borough also offered some valuable insight as to where we should be focusing our attention going forward. This included increased options for upcycling and recycling in order to lower carbon footprint, investing in renewable energy projects and more tree planting across the borough.

“It also highlighted what we as a council need to be doing to put our own house in order; tackling our own emissions as a priority (89%), building new council housing to carbon neutral standards and investing in low carbon transport choices in our own fleet.”

Waverley Borough Council has already set to work on cutting back its carbon emissions and supporting the move towards a net-zero carbon borough by 2030. It has allocated £300,000 to launch action on the climate emergency, and is now looking at building zero-carbon homes, making Waverley buildings more energy efficient, supporting community energy hubs, promoting walking and cycling and sustainable transport and harnessing solar energy in strategic locations.”

“We thank all those who took part, it really will help shape our future work as we push for a carbon-neutral Waverley by 2030.

To view our Climate Change Strategy and Carbon Neutrality Action Plan, visit