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Waverley Mayor Penny Marriott walking in a field.

Date posted: 21 April 2021

Waverley Mayor’s 100+100+100 Charity Challenge

This past year has been very different for us all but especially for Waverley’s Mayor, Councillor Penny Marriott.

Since becoming Mayor last June 2020, Waverley has been in one stage or another of restrictions and therefore the normal work of being a Mayor has been very much a ‘virtual’ experience.

As it is the custom to support chosen charities within the borough the Mayor, hoping to raise much needed funds for Waverley Home Start, Farnham and District Sea Cadets and 40 Degreez has taken on the challenge of walking 100 miles, swimming 100 lengths plus learning to ride a bike 100 metres.

Councillor Marriott said: “I can see that young families and young people are among the most affected by this pandemic and these charities are going to be very much in demand over the next few months and years – just at a time when they can’t raise money in the usual way. So all the charities I am raising money for are at the forefront in helping these groups in Waverley. “

“My challenge is going well and I have now walked 99 miles plus made a good start on swimming 100 lengths. However, the Government has decided that councils cannot hold formal meetings remotely after 6 May and as such this has meant that the new Mayor will be elected early, on 27 April which gives me a month less than I originally planned to complete my challenge and learn how to ride a bike!”

“So the challenge is on and even more strenuous than before as I need to learn to cycle a static bike 100 km in order to finish my challenge on time and having tried out the ‘bike’ this week in Farnham Sports Centre (now reopened), I can see I will have to develop some muscles or I won’t finish before Christmas let alone by the end of this month.”

The Mayor still plans to learn how to ride a ‘mobile’ bike and cycle a bonus 100 metres as a ‘virtual past Mayor’ before she officially should have handed over the chain on 25 May, and will continue fundraising for all three charities.

To find out more about the Mayor’s charity challenge and to donate visit the Mayor's JustGiving page and you can keep up to date with her progress by reading the Mayor’s blog.

Categories: Council News