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Stay Home Protect the NHS Save Lives

Date posted: 05 March 2021

Waverley is still in National Lockdown – Stay at Home

The Government has announced a gradual easing of restrictions from Monday 8 March with schools and colleges reopening but for now, the national lockdown is still in place.

What does that mean for our residents and businesses?  You can find general advice and any impacts on council services on our coronavirus advice page.

For information on the return to schools, colleges and universities, visit the Government website.

If you need financial support, please visit financial support during coronavirus

You can also find out how we can help support residents through the pandemic by visiting supporting residents in our community and if you're a business in Waverley, see guidance for businesses.

For full information on what you can and cannot do in lockdown, please visit the Government website.

We would like to thank Waverley residents for their efforts thus far in response to the restrictions and ask all residents to please continue to follow the guidance – remember ‘Stay Home. Protect the NHS. Save Lives’ - so that we can continue to reduce the spread of the virus and save lives.