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Graphic of adults sitting on benches, with text ASB Awareness Week - know your rights.

Date posted: 03 July 2023

Waverley Borough Council supports ASB Week

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Awareness Week takes place between 3-9 July this year.  Waverley Borough Council officers will be out and about working alongside officers from Surrey Police’s Safer Neighbourhood Team so do stop and say hello if you see them.

ASB is the term used to describe actions that unreasonably interfere with a resident’s normal use and enjoyment of their home, garden or neighbourhood.   It includes a wide range of offences such as rowdy, noisy behaviour in otherwise quiet neighbourhoods, drunkenness, dealing or taking drugs, graffiti, damage to property and the environment, fly-tipping, harassment and more which you can find on the Waverley Borough Council - What is anti-social behaviour?  webpage.   

In tackling ASB, Waverley Borough Council works closely with Surrey County Council, Surrey Police and surrounding boroughs with the aim of reducing crime and the fear of crime, sharing information and taking co-ordinated action as part of the Safer Waverley Partnership.     

Surrey Police have dedicated Neighbourhood Specialist Officers and Police Community Support Officers to ASB hotspots and have worked with Waverley Borough Council, in issuing Criminal Behaviour Orders, Closure Warning Notices, Partial Closure Orders and Full Closure Orders and conducting regular patrols to stop ASB. 

As part of ASB Awareness Week, Waverley Borough Council and Surrey Police are distributing guides, leaflets and using social media to raise awareness of the support available for victims of ASB in the borough. Additionally, officers from the council and Surrey Police’s Safer Neighbourhood Team will be out and about talking to residents about anti-social behaviour and the Godalming Public Spaces Protection Order – you can find them on Wednesday 5 July outside Sainsburys, Godalming in the morning and in Farncombe in the afternoon.

Councillor Kika Mirylees, Waverley Borough Council's Portfolio Holder for Community Services, Leisure and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, said:

“Waverley have always been proactive in supporting Surrey Police to tackle ASB throughout the borough and our officers are looking forward to supporting ASB Awareness Week, once again, this year. We want residents who may be experiencing anti-social behaviour to know that there is support out there and to urge them not to suffer in silence. Do report any instances of ASB as soon as possible so that offenders can be dealt with and you can feel comfortable in your own homes or when out and about in the borough.”   

If you are a victim of ASB you can report an incident on the Waverley Borough Council - Report anti-social behaviour webpage.  

If the ASB you are experiencing is of a criminal nature, report it directly to Surrey Police by calling 101 or in emergencies calling 999. You can also report ASB through the Surrey Police - Report antisocial behaviour webpage.  

You can also Submit a Community Trigger  to review ASB complaints you have made where the ASB continues to take place.