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Date posted: 07 June 2021

Waverley Borough Council offers free workshop helping venues tap into a new revenue stream

Struggling venues, hotels and accommodation in Waverley have been presented with an income generating opportunity by Waverley Borough Council.

The Council has partnered with Godalming-based Selling Savvy to deliver a free intensive virtual workshop which will give the sector the skills to sell their venue as a hybrid event solution.

The workshop is on Thursday 17 June from 9am to 12 noon.

Councillor Liz Townsend, Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Economic Development, Parks and Leisure, said: “Although, hybrid events have been around for a while, the pandemic has accelerated demand for these combined in person and virtual experiences.

“Together with this trend and research where venues and hotels have told us that access to finance would help secure their future viability, we see this workshop as a practical measure which will help to support the future growth of Waverley businesses that have been hardest hit by the pandemic.”

The three-hour workshop is aimed at people who are new to hybrid events. The course content will cover quick wins such as how hybrid events can immediately benefit a venue/hotel through to advice on how to avoid potential pitfalls, and strategies for selling into the hybrid events market.

Kate Plowright is the founder of Selling Savvy and will be delivering the workshop. She says: “As a Waverley-based business specialising in the hospitality and events industry, I am thrilled to be able to offer this training to local venues who operate in a market which I know well.

“At the end of the training, attendees will have an understanding of how their venue fits into the hybrid offering, knowledge about how to increase revenue, a strategy for selling into this market and confidence to convert hybrid event enquiries.”

A place on this workshop would normally cost £150 per person but Waverley Borough Council is able to fund 30 free places thanks to a government grant aimed at helping the business community to recover.

In addition to the Selling Hybrid Events workshop, the council has also funded a second virtual workshop aimed at schools, village halls and community spaces that are thinking about selling the space they have for events.

The Beginners’ Guide to Selling Your Space for Events is on Wednesday 16 June from 9.30am to 11.30am.

To secure a place at either workshop, visit the Business Waverley website.