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Date posted: 30 November 2022

Waverley Borough Council launches Air Quality consultation

Waverley Borough Council has launched a public consultation to seek views on two documents that aim to tackle air quality over the next five years.

The draft Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) is produced as part of the council’s statutory duties required by the Local Air Quality Management framework.  It outlines actions that need to be taken to reduce nitrogen dioxide in the Farnham and Godalming Air Quality Management Areas which have elevated levels of nitrogen dioxide due to emissions from vehicle exhausts on congested and busy roads. The AQAP outlines priorities, working collaboratively with SCC and others, to implement the Farnham Infrastructure Programme and Farnham Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, to encourage electric vehicles, to assess new developments impacts on air quality, and to implement the Clean Air Strategy for Waverley.

In light of the increasing awareness of the dangers posed by poor air quality, the council has also developed a draft Clean Air Strategy which encourages actions to reduce nitrogen dioxide and fine particulates across the borough to improve air quality. This is consistent with the council’s strategic objectives for improving the health and wellbeing of its residents and communities, taking action on the Climate Emergency and protecting the environment.

Air pollution, even at very low levels, has been linked with several long-term health conditions, including cancer, asthma, heart disease, obesity and changes linked to dementia. It can also affect the most vulnerable in our communities, including children and older people.

Councillor Steve Williams, Waverley Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, said “Air quality affects us all and I encourage residents to get involved and give us their views. It is vital that we reduce people’s exposure to pollution and protect the most vulnerable by improving the quality of the air we breathe.

“As a council, we are determined to improve air quality for our residents across the borough, but we need to get everyone on board including local town and parish councils and, very importantly, Surrey County Council, which has the main responsibility for our roads. We need the whole community to play its part – businesses and residents by cutting down on vehicle usage or switching to an electric vehicle and avoiding the burning of waste. We also want to encourage sustainable transport: public transport and walking or cycling wherever possible.”

The council is seeking the views of anyone who lives and works in the borough to help shape the final AQAP and Clean Air Strategy.  The link to the consultation can be found here Waverley Borough Council - Air Quality Action Plan and Clean Air Strategy consultation.  The consultation closes Sunday 15 January 2023 at 23:59 hours.