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Mayor of Waverley John Ward, Waverley Borough Councillors and staff, and representatives from the Police, Fire and Rescue and Ambulance Services with Emergency Services Day flag.

Date posted: 19 October 2022

Waverley Borough Council honours Emergency Services Day

Emergency Services (999) Day is being observed in the United Kingdom for the fifth year since it was first designated an official day in 2017. The Mayor of Waverley invited Waverley Borough Councillors and staff and emergency services personnel to the Raising of the Emergency Services (999) Day flag on Wednesday 19th October 2022 around the flagpole at The Burys.  

The day is a government backed event which encourages people to pay tribute to the almost two million people who work and volunteer in our emergency services. Emergency Services Day is a chance to support the heroic men and women of the NHS, police, fire, ambulance and search and rescue services by a raising of the Emergency Services Day flag followed by a two-minute silence to remember over 7,500 emergency services personnel killed as a result of their duty.  

The Mayor, Councillor John Ward, Waverley Borough Councillors and staff were joined by representatives from the Police, Fire and Rescue and Ambulance Services to honour the brave sacrifices of public sector workers on the front line of emergency services. This included Inspector Sam Adcock, Borough Commander of Waverley, PCC Lisa Townsend and PC Archie Ridley, Neighbourhood Specialist Officer for Godalming from Surrey Police, as well as Neil Godden of South East Coast Ambulance Service and Matt Richardson, Waverley Borough Commander for Surrey Fire & Rescue Services.  

On Emergency Services day, Councillor John Ward, Mayor of Waverley said: “The brave sacrifices of emergency service workers and volunteers must always be remembered, and I am honoured to preside over this event today. They risked their lives during the pandemic to ensure that the country still functioned, and people were kept safe. In my view, those sacrifices were some of the greatest acts of heroism in peacetime and I believe that I speak as Mayor, on behalf of the entirety of Waverley Borough Council that these sacrifices will never be forgotten.”  

For more information on Emergency Services Day and the work of emergency services, visit the campaign website: 

Categories: Council News