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Waverley Mayor Penny Rivers with members of staff raising a Black History Month flag at the Waverley Borough Council offices in Godalming.

Date posted: 02 October 2023

Waverley Borough Council celebrates Black History Month

Waverley Borough Council is joining with people around the world to celebrate Black History Month this October.

The Mayor, Councillor Penny Rivers was joined by members of staff to raise a Black History Month flag at the Waverley Borough Council offices in Godalming, which will fly throughout the month.

Black History Month 2023 is a momentous occasion to recognise and celebrate the invaluable contributions of black people to British society.

The theme this year is ‘Saluting our Sisters’, highlighting the crucial role that black women have played in shaping history, inspiring change, and building communities. The month is an opportunity to showcase pioneering black women who have made remarkable contributions to society through literature, music, fashion, sport, business, politics, academia, health, and social care.

Waverley Borough Council Mayor, Councillor Penny Rivers, who delivered a speech at the event said:

“British Black history started long ago, and we now recognise the achievements of Mary Seacole alongside Florence Nightingale.

“We know that many women from the West Indies answered the call of the Mother Country and came here on SS Windrush to work, only to find instead of a welcome, signs saying, ‘No Irish, No Dogs, No Blacks’.

“To name but a few black sisters who have contributed to life in Britain, Winifred Attwell, Doreen Lawrence, Joan Armatrading, Sharon White, Floella Benjamin, Jessica Ennis-Hill, and Sybil Phoenix. Respect.

“It has been said multiculturalism has failed, perhaps it is the other way round, that we have failed multiculturalism. 

“Britain has always been multicultural. The Angles and Saxons, Danes and Normans have all left their mark.

“We should learn lessons from history and understand the present more. Let us recognise the contribution of our black sisters and brothers as well as our historic footprint. 

“I am Jamaican born, a daughter of Britain's colonies. My mother was African born, a daughter of Britain's Empire. To quote the national motto of Jamaica - Out of many, one people.”

To find out more about Black History Month visit

If you would like to find out more about Black History in Surrey visit

Categories: Council News