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Date posted: 24 February 2025

Waverley Borough Council Calls for Urgent Government Action on Thames Water Failures

Waverley Borough Council has expressed serious concerns about Thames Water’s ability to meet its statutory duties to provide a satisfactory water supply and protect public health. The council has written to local MPs, the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Steve Reed, and the CEO of Thames Water, Chris Weston, calling for urgent intervention.

The council's letter expresses deep dissatisfaction with Thames Water's ability to maintain essential services, given its history of significant and repeated water supply failures affecting hundreds of households, an inadequate response to these failures, and persistent sewage discharges from storm overflows. 

Members also highlighted the company's alarming financial instability, with debts reaching approximately £19 billion as of December 2024, further casting doubt on Thames Water's ability to deliver safe and efficient services.

The letter states that the council has no confidence in Thames Water's ability to effectively manage its responsibilities and urges the Government to use its powers under the Water Industry Act 1991 to place Thames Water into Special Administration, ensuring public interests are protected. 

The council supports amendments to the Water (Special Measures) Bill to prevent a public bailout, refocus Ofwat's duties to prioritise the public and environmental interests, and promote democratisation of water companies. 

Additionally, the council states that it supports the provisions of the Water Bill, which sets targets for water management and includes the establishment of a Commission on Water and a Citizens' Assembly on water ownership. The council also calls on the Government to end the failed experiment of water privatisation and return Thames Water to public control to ensure greater transparency, accountability, and investment in critical infrastructure.

Cllr Steve Williams, Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, stated: "Thames Water's persistent failures are unacceptable. Households have endured supply disruptions, environmental damage has escalated due to sewage discharges, and the company's financial mismanagement has put the future of its services at serious risk.

"It is clear that urgent Government intervention is needed. Waverley Borough Council is calling for Thames Water to be brought into public ownership to protect residents, safeguard our environment, and ensure responsible management of this essential service."

The council has urged local MPs ­- Jeremy Hunt MP, Zoe Franklin MP, Chris Coghlan MP, and Greg Stafford MP - to acknowledge the Borough Council's position and use their influence to press the Government to ensure Thames Water is held accountable.

You can view the letter by clicking on Thames Water letter.