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Waverley Mayor John Robini.

Date posted: 11 May 2021

Waverley Borough Council appoints new Mayor and Leader

Following Waverley Borough Council’s Annual Council meeting on Tuesday 27 April 2021, Councillor Paul Follows, former Deputy Leader of the Council, was appointed as the new Leader of the Council and Councillor John Robini appointed as the new Mayor of Waverley.

Councillor Paul Follows (Liberal Democrats), who is ward member for Godalming Central and Ockford, said:

“Firstly, I’d like to say thank you to Councillor Ward for his work as Leader during what has been a particularly difficult time.  I am pleased and excited to take on this role and looking forward to continue working with my colleagues on the Executive as well as building on the foundations that make Waverley a great place to live and work, ensuring that all the diverse communities of our borough are represented.”

Councillor Follows also announced that his Deputy Leader would be Councillor Peter Clark (Farnham Residents).

There were also two changes to the Executive with the addition of Councillor Penny Marriott as Portfolio Holder for Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion and Councillor Kika Mirylees appointed to Health, Wellbeing and Culture in place of Councillor Michaela Martin who has stood down due to her election as a County Councillor.

Cllr Marriott said: “I am excited to be joining the Executive with a Portfolio that is close to my heart and look forward to working with my colleagues on the committee to ensure we remain a council that promotes a supporting and inclusive culture.”

The new Mayor of Waverley

The new Mayor of Waverley Borough Council, Councillor John Robini was also elected to the civic and ceremonial role at the Annual Council Meeting.

He will hold the post for one year, attending a wide variety of engagements, acting as an ambassador for the council, as well as chairing council meetings. Councillor Robini has yet to select the charities he will work with but will be focusing on those that deal with young people, wildlife and the vulnerable.

The Mayor said: “It is a privilege to have been elected, I am looking forward to undertaking this role and, Covid-19 permitting, getting out and about in the community and doing whatever I can to help support our residents in this wonderful borough get back to a ‘new normal’.

“I will be working actively with charities and other local organisations to ensure that we can focus on those individuals and groups who have lost the most over the last year.”

The Mayor has lived in Haslemere for 20 years and has been a Waverley borough councillor since 2003.

He added: “I would like to pay tribute to my outgoing colleague, Penny Marriott who, due to the pandemic, had to carry out the normal work of Mayor in a very different, ‘virtual’ way but still made a very real impact on the community.”

Councillor Penny Marriott was Mayor from June 2020.  She made young people the theme for her year and chose to support three charities that work with young people in the borough – the Sea Cadets, 40 Degreez and Home-Start Waverley.  She is currently taking part in a 100 + 100 + 100 challenge (walking 100 miles, swimming 100 lengths plus 100km on a static bike, with an additional bonus 100 metres on a bike too). To find out more about Councillor Marriott’s charity challenge and to donate visit