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Strangers Corner red brick home with ornate shrubs on Tilford Road.

Date posted: 31 May 2022

Waverley adopts the Great Austins Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan

On 23 May 2022 Waverley Borough Council confirmed the adoption of the Great Austins Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (CAA), which includes an amendment to the boundary at April Cottage, Vicarage Hill. 

This detailed appraisal of the conservation area identifies and assesses its special interest, such as the notable buildings and open spaces, and the inter-relation of these together to form a unique character. Now it is adopted by the council it is a material consideration to be used in the determination of any application for planning permission and listed building consent within the conservation area. The management plan sets out potential enhancements. 

The move by the council forms part of its Corporate Strategy and Service Plan to retain and enhance the local distinctiveness and character of Waverley.  

Great Austin is one of 43 Conservation Areas in the borough and the Council has expressed its enthusiasm for ensuring that these areas are preserved and enhanced for future generations.  

The appraisal for the Conservation Area underwent a rigorous period of consultation which resulted in amendments to the final document. This included discussions with local ward councillors and representatives from Farnham Town Council, and a six-week public consultation, which included a meeting to ask the views of the public on the draft document and proposed amendments to the boundary.  

The amended boundary is shown within the continuous black line on the designation map which can be viewed via the Waverley Borough Council website at 

Categories: Council News