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Date posted: 17 July 2024

Waverley adopts new Statement of Community Involvement

Waverley Borough Council has agreed a new Statement of Community Involvement to ensure residents and stakeholders know how they can be involved in local planning decisions.

The updated Statement of Community Involvement was formally adopted at a meeting of Full Council on Tuesday 16 July 2024. It is an important planning document that sets out how and when the council will involve and consult with the community and stakeholders in the preparation of planning policy documents (including the new Local Plan) and during the planning application process.

Waverley Borough Council has revised and updated the Statement of Community Involvement in a flexible way to ensure the degree of engagement is appropriate and proportionate to the matters being considered. It was made available for public consultation in March and April 2024 to provide local communities and stakeholders an opportunity to share their views and shape the document.

The council last updated its Statement of Community Involvement in 2019. National planning regulations require local planning authorities to review the document at least once every five years so it remains relevant and effectively addresses the needs of the local community.

Councillor Liz Townsend, Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development said:

“Our Statement of Community Involvement is an important document that helps our community to understand how planning decisions are made.

“It clearly sets out how local people can get involved in the planning process and I hope the transparency it provides encourages more people to share their thoughts on planning matters.

“The views of our community provide valuable insight and local knowledge that can help to improve our planning decisions. Thank you to everyone who took part in our consultation and helped us to refresh such an important document.”


Categories: Council News

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