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Graphic with icons and text describing different sustainable swaps made.

Date posted: 02 December 2021

Top swaps residents are making to help tackle climate change

During COP26 we asked residents whether you had made any ‘sustainable swaps’ to help the environment.

Whether it is eating a more plant-based diet, using a reusable coffee cup or recycling/reusing more, many of you have made some changes to your daily routine.

Thank you to all those who responded and here we have the top 10 –

  • Moving to a more plant based diet; trying to buy for ‘need’ not want, to reduce food waste
  • Swapping shampoo/washing powder for more sustainable products such as ‘soap’ shampoo and ‘sheet’ washing powder
  • Substituting cotton wool for reusable pads and utilising more eco-friendly products such as toothpaste in a glass jar and bamboo toothbrushes.
  • Taking part in toy swaps in order to reuse old toys rather than buying new
  • Swapping clingfilm for foil which can be recycled (as long as it’s the size of a tennis ball or bigger)
  • Re-gifting clothes – vintage over new
  • Washing and reusing food bags
  • Reduced unnecessary car journeys
  • Recycling as much as possible – either donating to charity shops, using clothes recycling banks or making use of community channels such as Nextdoor

Councillor Steve Williams, Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, said:

“Following the increasing sense of the seriousness of the climate crisis after COP26, we all need to continue to play our part in tackling climate change. As a council working hard to cut back on its own carbon emissions and supporting the move towards being net-zero carbon by 2030, I am so pleased that many of our residents are doing their bit by making simple swaps that help the planet.  Many of the actions reflect the Take the Jump initiative that was launched in September which asks people to make one of more shifts in their behaviour to help protect the planet.

“It is particularly heartening to see the move towards recycling more but also the changes people are committed to making in their day-to-day lives such as using more environmentally friendly household products and using their car less. “

To take a look at Waverley Borough Council’s Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan, please go to our sustainability and conservation webpage.

You can find out more about what and where to recycle by visiting our  recycling page.

To find out more about Take the Jump visit