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Waverley councillors, staff and police offices signing and holding large pledge document.

Date posted: 25 August 2022

The Safer Waverley Partnership in action

For this year’s Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Awareness week, Waverley Borough Council worked closely with partners to assist victims of ASB throughout the borough and signed 5 key pledges as part of the Safer Waverley Partnership

Waverley Borough Council and Surrey Police conducted a variety of actions throughout the week ranging from anti-ASB patrols, licensing checks, promotion of the Public Service Protection Order with the ASB Crimestoppers van, test purchase operations with police cadets and joint police and Waverley Borough Council welfare checks. 

As a result of patrols, Surrey police working in conjunction with other emergency services were able to respond quickly and assist Surrey Fire and Rescue Service at Hankley Common during a fire. 

Crucially, Waverley Borough Council signed an agreement to follow 5 Anti-Social Behaviour principles. These include encouraging victims to report ASB, to have clear and transparent processes to ensure victims are kept well-informed of progress once a report is made and to provide adults and children who exhibit signs of anti-social behaviour the opportunity to take responsibility for their behaviour and repair the harm caused by it. 

Councillor Penny Marriott, Waverley Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and the council’s new ASB Officer Paul Stevens signed the pledges alongside Inspector Sam Adcock from Surrey Police and Sgt Keith Blanchard. 

On the signing, Councillor Marriott said: “We were eager to sign up to these key principles. The signing of these pledges reaffirms our commitment to tackling ASB in Waverley and the Safer Waverley Partnership.” 

She added: “Victims of ASB should never have to suffer in silence. The council and all of its partners are here to help and residents of Waverley can rest assured that we will do everything within our power to resolve complaints of ASB swiftly and in confidence.” 

If you are a victim of ASB you can report an incident on the Waverley Borough Council - Report anti-social behaviour webpage.   

If the ASB you are experiencing is of a criminal nature report it directly to Surrey Police by calling 101 or in emergencies calling 999. You can also report ASB through the Surrey Police - Report antisocial behaviour webpage.  

You can also Submit a Community Trigger to review ASB complaints you have made where the ASB continues to take place.   

Categories: Council News