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Person mending a red light including the wiring.

Date posted: 08 May 2024

Repair and reuse at Waverley Repair Cafés

Do you have items that need repairing? Or perhaps you are good with your hands and looking to help others?

If so, there are Repair Cafés throughout Waverley where you can take your old items such as clothing, electrical, toys or household and garden tools for repair for free (although donations are always welcome!).   If you’re handy yourself, there is also the opportunity to get involved and use your skills to help others.

In Godalming, the Repair Café, which has been running for two years and has seen 700 items brought through its doors, takes place at the Borough Hall every 4th Saturday of the month between 10am-12.30pm. (excluding December). You can find out more at Repair Café Godalming - Godalming Town Council ( or email if you have any queries about what can be taken in for repair.

There are also Repair Cafés at:

Councillor Steve Williams, Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, said:

“Repair Cafés are a fantastic community initiative. Too often, things are just thrown away when they could be brought back to life; recycling means less waste taken to landfill and the Repair Cafés give people a chance to use the skills they have to help others and the environment.  As a council with ambitious climate goals, we fully support any initiative to repair, reuse, recycle.”

Waverley Borough Council also offers a free textile and small electrical service for residents. For further information, visit Waverley Borough Council - Small electricals and textiles collection.

There are also a number of charities or organisations that can take your unwanted furniture, white goods and other household items to be recycled or reused by those in the community that might need them - Waverley Borough Council - Community donations.

You can read more about our climate change plans, at Waverley Borough Council - Climate change strategy and action plan.