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Date posted: 10 September 2024

New policy provides clear guidelines for community asset transfers

Waverley Borough Council has developed a new Community Asset Transfer Policy to make it easier for local community groups to take ownership, or take over the running, of council land, buildings and facilities.

The policy has been developed to ensure the council is able to take a transparent and consistent approach to any request for a council asset to be transferred to a voluntary community organisation. It brings clarity to the decision-making process and ensures that successful applications are in the best interests of both the council and the local community.

Community Asset Transfers have the potential to give communities greater control, influence and input into local facilities. Taking on a council asset can empower local people, helping them develop a greater sense of pride in their local area. Being directly involved within the community can build a sense of belonging, and harnessing local knowledge can help to deliver better public services in the borough.

Councillor Paul Follows, Leader of Waverley Borough Council said:

“The local management and ownership of assets makes for strong communities, so if there is a clearly defined case for doing things differently, we are happy to consider applications to transfer our assets to local groups.

“Our new policy provides easy to follow guidance for any community group that is interested in taking over a council owned asset. It sets out the steps an applicant must take when expressing an interest in a site, provides a set timetable for the process, and explains how we will assess any future application. It’s an open and transparent approach that ensures we treat every applicant fairly and consistently.”

Community Asset Transfers are only available to non-profit, voluntary community organisations like town and parish councils, Community Interest Companies, social enterprises and charitable organisations. Suitable organisations must be based within the borough of Waverley and be able to demonstrate legal provisions that ensure assets will be retained for community use and benefit.

Each request will be judged on a case-by-case basis, considering a range of factors including the nature and capacity of the applicant, the business case and long-term sustainability. Applications will also be measured on their ability to contribute towards the council’s corporate objectives, such as improving the health and wellbeing of residents, protecting the environment and supporting a strong local economy.

Councillor Mark Merryweather, Portfolio Holder for Finance, Assets and Property added:

“The passion, drive and enthusiasm of our communities is one of the biggest strengths of our borough, and involving residents in the provision of local services is a great way to make the most of it.

“We have a duty of stewardship over many public assets, and we take that responsibility seriously, but if there are better ways of using our assets to provide public services then they should be explored.

“If you are a local community group that has sound financial management, a proven track record for delivering services, and an exciting business plan that will get the most out of a public asset, we would like to hear from you.”

Interested groups can find full details about Community Asset Transfers on the Waverley Borough Council website at 


Categories: Council News