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Senior couple in front of paintings ‘Red Horizon’ and ‘Set Pattern 1’ by Biddy Bunzl - part of the Paintings in Hospitals collection © the artist, Paintings in Hospitals.

Date posted: 15 November 2021

New pilot project to combat loneliness launches in Waverley

This month, a new pilot project 'Paintings in Hospitals' is being launched in Waverley to help social isolation and loneliness at home by connecting participants with art, creative activities, and communities of like-minded people.

Initially launching in the Guildford and Waverley area, the OASIS project aims to place meaningful artworks, specially produced for individuals, directly into people's homes and to enable eligible participants to make new social connections through a range of guided conversations and group activities.

Councillor Kika Mirylees, Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Culture said:

"Social isolation is a growing issue and so projects like this are of such importance to our community.  It has been created to help people battling with loneliness to get together with others and experience new creative and cultural experiences; such a wonderful idea and one that I hope eligible people within our borough will get involved with and make the most of the opportunity."

To deliver the OASIS pilot project, Paintings in Hospitals has partnered with Reconnections by Independent Age. Reconnections support over 65s who feel lonely or isolated. People want to connect in a variety of ways and the team listen to each individual and work with them to find new opportunities and rekindle a love of life. Whether it's discovering disco, bonding over bonsai, absorbing art, or forming friendships. OASIS will be launched with the Guildford and Waverley team and will bring participants together over a shared love of creativity.

To find out more about Paintings in Hospitals visit their website at Paintings in Hospitals and Reconnections by Independent Age website.


Picture: ‘Red Horizon’ and ‘Set Pattern 1’ by Biddy Bunzl - Part of the Paintings in Hospitals collection © the artist, Paintings in Hospitals

Categories: Council News