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Cranleigh Village Hall.

Date posted: 11 March 2024

NEW Cranleigh Leisure Centre drop-in sessions

Waverley Borough Council is holding two community drop-in sessions in Cranleigh village centre this week to share the initial plans for the new leisure centre.

The drop-in sessions are taking place on Friday 15 and Saturday 16 March 2024 as follows:

Friday 15 March 2024 from 2-7pm at Cranleigh Village Hall.

Saturday 16 March 2024 from 10am-1pm at Cranleigh Leisure Centre.

Residents can pop in at a time that is convenient to them, view the plans and ask the team questions. Everyone is welcome and feedback on the initial designs will be gratefully received.

If residents cannot make the drop-in sessions, they can access the same information on the DPP Planning website at and at Waverley Borough Council’s project information hub  

DPP Planning are the planning consultants preparing the planning application for Waverley Borough Council and they are asking for feedback, by 5pm on 22 March 2024. Feedback received on the initial plans will then help inform the final design, with a planning application submitted later this year. 

A feasibility study conducted by the council in 2021 revealed the need to update the existing facility, making it fit for purpose for the next generation of users, whilst improving leisure provision for Cranleigh and the surrounding villages.  

The new build leisure facility will be designed to meet the needs of the local community, whilst delivering a low carbon building in accordance with Waverley’s carbon-neutral by 2030 strategy.

The plan is for the Leisure Centre to be built to Passivhaus standards and use innovative technology to ensure energy efficiency. A Passivhaus leisure centre offers a 60-70% reduction in carbon emissions against a standard build leisure centre – good for the climate and managing long term energy costs at the council.

GT3 Architects have been working on the initial designs and concepts for the new leisure centre and are delighted to be sharing them with the community for feedback and comment.

Councillor Liz Townsend Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration and Economic Development, said:

"We are delighted to be sharing these plans with the community. The council is committed to becoming carbon-neutral by 2030 and this project is a fantastic opportunity to lower carbon emissions and deliver a wonderful new facility that is fit for the future.

“I’m excited about what this new facility can offer in terms of how it will look, how it can be a hub for community health and wellbeing and how it can benefit Cranleigh and the surrounding villages. We look forward to receiving initial feedback and views, which will then help us shape the final design”. 

Categories: Council News