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Close-up of public phone with person walking away in the background.

Date posted: 13 May 2021

Make a call on BT plans to remove more phone boxes

The details of the phone boxes which BT would like to remove are listed on the council’s website, along with the number of average calls made from each phone box per month.

BT is aware that many people find the red phone boxes an important part of the local street scene but would like to remove the payphones on the grounds that they are used infrequently and are expensive to maintain. However, the consultation will give communities an opportunity to adopt a traditional red phone box for £1 and make them a community asset that local people can enjoy. Find out more about BT's ‘Adopt a Kiosk’ scheme.

To take part in the consultation go to and if you would like to make a comment, please email by Friday 14 May 2021.

Categories: Council News