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Former town hall, The Pepperpot, Godalming.

Date posted: 15 March 2023

Inspector gives thumbs up to the Waverley Local Plan

Waverley Borough Council has received the final report of the Government appointed Planning Inspector, following his examination of Local Plan Part 2 (LPP2).

The Inspector found that, subject to some agreed changes, referred to as ‘Main Modifications’, LPP2 satisfies all legal requirements and meets all the tests set out in national planning policy. The council can therefore consider adopting the plan at its meeting on 21 March.

If adopted, the plan will provide an up-to-date suite of development management policies and specific site allocations to boost the supply of new housing locally. This would put the borough in a stronger position to defend planning decisions at appeal, and to secure the necessary infrastructure to support growth.

Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development, Councillor Liz Townsend, said:

“I’m delighted with the outcome of the examination. The Inspector supported our position on all the main issues, and the modifications that he has recommended will improve and strengthen the plan.

“The successful completion of LPP2, once adopted by the Council will form part of the overall development plan and this is the starting point for decisions on planning and development in the borough.

“The Inspector’s backing is a major success and supports the resources that the council has devoted to producing a robust plan, and recognises the hard work of everyone involved.”