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Graphical icons of grass, a car, a bin lorry, a roundabout, a bin and a road-sweeping lorry, with text How to find the right person to solve your neighbourhood issue.

Date posted: 20 October 2023

How to find the right person to solve your neighbourhood issue

Do you know who to contact if you spot an issue in and around Waverley, whether that’s an overflowing bin, grass verge that needs cutting or an abandoned vehicle? If not, we have put together this handy guide on who to contact.  Please note, if it’s a Waverley Borough Council managed area, do please contact us and let us have the location of the issue, we will always need a location in order to check it out.

Overflowing public bin? There are many litter bins throughout Waverley, which are regularly emptied. However, during busy times, some bins will get full. If you spot one, please fill in our online form Report an overflowing public bin | Street cleaning and fly-tipping | Environmental concerns | Services | Waverley Borough Council or you can telephone us on 01483 523524.

Overgrown verge - From 1 April 2023 Surrey County Council took back responsibility for verge cutting, shrub bed maintenance and weed spraying across Waverley. Their cutting season is April to September and there may well be less cuts than residents are used to in most areas. We continue to cut our own grass areas such as parks or amenities as well as around our tenant housing. If you have a complaint or concern about maintenance in your area, please do not contact Waverley Borough Council, you can email or phone Surrey County Council on 0300 200 1003. You can also report tree, hedge, grass or weed issues on Surrey County Council’s website too.

General grass cutting - We maintain over 2.4 million square metres of grass across waverley, this includes parks, recreation grounds, open spaces and housing tenant communal gardens.  You can access our grass cutting schedule here Waverley Borough Council - Maintaining parks and open spaces. If you have an issue, complaint or, would like to pass on a compliment, please contact the Parks & Countryside team on or you can telephone: 01483 523394

If you would like to have your say on how our greenspaces are maintained, you can take part in our annual Greenspaces Survey details of which you may have seen on our social media in recent weeks and which closes this Sunday 22 October. Your views are important to us and as a direct response to previous survey results, we have enhanced a number of areas, including the setting aside of wildflower areas to benefit pollinators, a reduction in the quantity of pesticides used and the use of more electric vehicles and machinery where possible.

Fly-tipping -  Waverley is responsible for clearing fly-tips from public roads or from council land and we aim to clear any fly-tip on the highway or council land within three working days of it being reported to us. We are committed to tackling environmental crime and are taking a zero-tolerance approach on fly-tipping. Your help reporting any incidents you see is greatly appreciated.  If you spot a fly-tip or have any photographic evidence of who has fly-tipped, please report it on our dedicated page Report fly-tipping or dumped rubbish or by calling 01483 523524. Please only take any photographs of those fly-tipping,  if it is safe to do so.

Street cleaning - Our street cleaning service runs seven days a week but often depends on the public use of an area and varies from twice daily in the high streets to a number of weeks in rural areas.  If there is an area which you think is overdue a street clean then you can text us on 07786 202686. Make sure you include your surname, your property name or number, your postcode, as well as details of the problem, including its location.  Or you can fill in our online form on this page  Waverley Borough Council - Report a street cleaning issue or telephone 01483 523524.

Abandoned vehicles - If you suspect a vehicle has been abandoned, please check to see if it has road tax and valid MOT by entering the registration number and make of vehicle on Report an untaxed vehicle - GOV.UK (  To find out more about who to contact next or how to complete our online Abandoned Vehicle form, visit our webpage Report an abandoned vehicle | Street cleaning and fly-tipping | Environmental concerns | Services | Waverley Borough Council

Anti-social behaviour – this is dealt with by a number of different organisations including the police, Waverley Borough Council and Surrey County Council. To find out who to report an issue to, visit Waverley Borough Council - Report anti-social behaviour.

Potholes and other highways related topics – If you have spotted an issue on roads in the borough, such as potholes, covered road signage, blocked drains, obstructions, or problems with street furniture such as pedestrian railings, please contact Surrey County Council, you can visit Roads and transport - Surrey County Council ( to find out more.