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Date posted: 12 December 2022

Have your say on Waverley’s Local Plan Part 2

Waverley Borough Council has launched what it hopes will be the final stage of consultation on its new Local Plan Part 2. The council is seeking views on ‘Main Modifications’, which are changes to address issues identified by the independent Planning Inspector who is examining the plan. These changes are proposed to ensure consistency with national planning policy, and to make sure that the policies are justified and effective.

The proposed modifications have arisen from the Inspector’s assessment of the plan and supporting evidence, and the representations made by interested parties. Public Hearings took place in July and September and the council has subsequently worked with the Inspector to finalise the wording of the proposed Main Modifications.

The consultation is taking place from Friday 9 December 2022 to 5.00pm Friday 27 January 2023. The Inspector will take account of representations when making his final report. In theory, the Inspector could potentially identify the need for further Main Modifications but officers are optimistic that this will not be the case.

Councillor Liz Townsend, Waverley Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economic Development, said: “We are not taking anything for granted but it does feel that we are on the home straight. At this stage, it is only possible to make representations on the Main Modifications, not on other parts of the Local Plan. Our view is that the proposed modifications will improve and strengthen the plan, without fundamentally changing its substance. I am particularly pleased that the Inspector is not requiring us to allocate additional sites for development.

“We are therefore hopeful that the Inspector will complete his report as soon as possible after the consultation, allowing the council to adopt the new plan early in the New Year. This will give us up to date policies for considering planning applications, with which we can ensure that we support our communities with the housing and economic growth they need to thrive. It will also help provide the all-important ‘5-year housing land supply’, so that we can protect the borough from inappropriate and unsustainable development.”

Details of the consultation on proposed Main Modifications will be available from 9 December on the council’s website Waverley Borough Council - Local Plan Part 2, and documents will be available to view during normal opening times at the Council Offices in Godalming and at public libraries across the borough. The deadline for responses is 5pm Friday 27 January 2023. Any queries should be directed to